First of all, I'm sorry that it's been a very long time since I updated this - The whole plan I had for the plot ended in the previous chapter so i've been a bit stuck thinking of what to say.
Also, i've been busy with school.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter, and thanks so much for reading.
- blue_budgie52
I woke up the next morning, shaking. Something felt wrong. I don't know how to explain it, but I just have a bad feeling in my gut that something has happened.
Do you know what it is? Has something happened that i'm not aware of?
Oh great. It's not even 7 in the morning and i'm already talking to a non-existent thing that I have personified with the idea that it has opinions and the ability to learn and retain information.
I'm fine, thanks for asking.
I hear a soft knock at the door. "Come in." I call. My mother's head pokes around the corner.
"Oh hey mum." I say, as relief washes over her face.
Thank goodness. I was worried something would have happened to her overnight, because of her hitting her head yesterday.
My mother's anxious thoughts seep into my brain."I'm fine mum." I say, trying to calm her because nervous thoughts are so loud.
"Are you sure?" She says, squinting at me quizzically.
I don't think she's fine but I don't know what to do. I mean - the doctors said she was fine but I don't know if I believe them. Do I have any reason to believe them? Is it my fault she fainted? Or is it her dads?
My mother's thoughts scurried in my head."Believe the doctors mum - you should believe them because they have the credentials. Don't worry. It's definitely dad's fault, don't you go thinking it's yours. Theres no reason for you to be thinking you can't believe the doctors." I blurt, before I can catch myself and realise how that sounds.
How does it sound? You may ask.
Well my dear friend, it sounds like I AM ANSWERING HER THOUGHTS.
I hold my breath, hoping she hasn't caught my slip.
She looks at me. "What?" She asks.
"Whats what?" I reply, trying to be inconspicuous.
I mean, as inconspicuous as you can be when you just accidentally responded to someone's THOUGHTS.
"Were you replying to me?" She tilts her head, as if trying to remember the past events of our conversation.
"When?" I ask, careful to not give away too much information.
"Just before. I didn't say anything but you replied to me, almost like you........... never-mind." She trailed off.
But her thoughts didn't. They screamed loud and clear in my ears.
Almost like you read my mind.
"Oh would you look at the time, I need to be getting ready so i'm not late." I announce, hoping to break her train of thought.
It works. Well, it distracts her for now. One of her biggest pet peeves is people being late. Though, I have no idea if her thoughts will revisit this later, which means I have to get to school as quickly as I can, before she voices any of her suspicions.

I Know What You're Thinking
RomanceCordelia Pike is different. For her whole life, she's been different, but nobody knows. Nobody knows that she can read minds. Nobody knows how every day is a struggle for her. Nobody knows any of that, but when things go down between Cordelia's pare...