Even though we made the executive decision to play the game presented by Mr. Mysterious Murder Man, I still had no idea how to go about playing said game.
See, games should have rules, but since we don't have a way of contacting Mr. Mysterious Murder Man I don't know how to tell him rule number 1:
MURDERING IS NOT NICE.What do you think? Cause i'll tell you what I think. I have absolutely no idea! Woohoo!
"Cordelia? What are you thinking?" A male voice drags my thoughts back to the present. I stare blankly at him. "Erm. Are you okay?"
"Oh yes fine well as fine as I can be in our current predicament." I ramble. Luke raises his eyebrows. I roll my eyes. He smirks. "What?"
"Nothing." He assures me.
He has a terrible poker face. Lucky for him though, i'm not in a position to waste time.
"Sure. Well, moving on, we have this note and the other one. I memorised it, i'll write it down." I scribble on a piece of paper and throw it at him, inspecting his expression as his eyes scan it.
"Did the police take this?" Luke asks, his voice void of any traces of amusement.
"Yes, unfortunately."
"Unfortunately indeed. Cordelia you realise what this means right?"
"Of course I do." I reply, my throat tight. "The police will read that vital piece of evidence that clearly states i'm something different and also the reason a bus full of people almost crashed." I take a deep breath. "The question here isn't what everything means - it's what are we going to do about it?"
Luke sits in silence for a few minutes while my last statement hangs in the air. The thoughts of people around me are a vicious hurricane, until, finally, another voice overpowers them all - clear and familiar.
We need to find out who this is, but most importantly.... we need to keep you safe.
I'm a big girl. I can keep myself safe.
Cordelia. Mr. Mysterious Murder Man is dangerous. You are the target.
Two can play the 'pulling information out of each other's heads game' Charlotte.
I wasn't even thinking about Charlotte!
Well I know about your police sister now! Wait, your sister's a policewoman?
Yeah. Luke's voice goes soft.
Do.... do you think she could help me? Help us?
She has no idea I can read minds. I'd like to keep it that way.
She doesn't have to know, she can still help.
I guess so.
The bell rings and I stand up and, wishing I didn't have to waste precious minutes in my maths class, turn to Luke. "I'll see you later." I say, my voice breaking the silence in which we were previously conversing.
"Yeah." Luke runs a hand through his hair. "I'll see you later."
I'm out the door as soon as the final bell chimes. Deciding I don't particularly feel like the demise a bus crash involves, I start to walk home.
I make it two blocks before I notice the shadow behind me. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I pretend to innocently check something on its screen.
In reality i'm using the camera function to see whose behind me. A woman, tall, wearing only black. She has dark sunglasses on making it impossible to see her eyes. Her hair is dark and pulled back, giving her a much sharper appearance. An expensive watch adorns her wrist.
As for her crimson painted lips? They're twisted into a grin.
I try to focus my brain, to pinpoint what she's thinking, but without ever hearing her voice I can't remove her distinct thoughts from the other hundred swirling around in my head.
I take a deep breath, remembering what my parents always told me about stranger danger. 'Take four lefts, if they're still behind you after the fourth they're definitely a tail.' I cooperate, taking a sharp but sudden turn as I reach the end of the block.
I glance behind me, briefly. The woman has dropped back, but she's still there. I start to walk faster. I take a second left. She's walking more briskly now, and so am I. By the third left i'm almost at a jog and a traitorous part of me is impressed by the way this woman can walk quickly without ever looking like she's in a rush.
I take a deep breath. Fourth corner. I swallow, shake my hands and walk around the corner, the familiarity of my usual route calming me. Bracing myself, I look behind me. The woman is right behind me.
"Hello Cordelia." A smirk crosses her face. Instantly, her thoughts become clear.
This little girl won't know what hit her.
Or maybe she will.
Hello Cordelia?
Can you hear me?I pretend to have no idea what she's thinking and continue on my way, even as her thoughts continue to ask whether or not I can hear what she is thinking.
The boss is wrong. She isn't anything special. Oh how disappointed he will be.
I feel a hint of a smile tug at my lips as I cross the road away from her. Checking my camera again, I watch the woman retreat.
As she crosses another road away from me, one last thought fills my head.
Gullible little brat, she will come with us, she will do as the boss says and she truly won't know what hit her.The smile drops from my face again.
What would you do? If someone who is ominously named 'The Boss' sends a creepy lady after you who follows you, tries to manipulate you, accidentally reveals she's manipulating you once she thinks you're out of earshot and therefor you discover that 'The Boss' is still coming for you?
I don't know what I would do. I don't know what to do.
My word I have lost it this time.
Mr. Mysterious Murder 'The Boss' Man clearly has something to settle with me.
My job is making that as hard for him as possible.
Luke? I call, trying to talk to him telepathically.
I know what game we're playing now.
You do?
Yep, and we're playing to win.
Heyoo! I am so sorry I have'nt updated this in an age! I am a procrastinator but I will attempt to update this more (yes I know I say that every time but maybe if I say it again it'll be more likely to happen!)
Yay optimism! (I'm a pessimist.)
I don't know what the point in this little note is today. Ooh I know. I just finished The Inheritance Games series! I am so excited for the Grandest Game - have any of you read the books?
Anyways, have a good day and as always, thank you so much for reading!
- blue_budgie52

I Know What You're Thinking
RomanceCordelia Pike is different. For her whole life, she's been different, but nobody knows. Nobody knows that she can read minds. Nobody knows how every day is a struggle for her. Nobody knows any of that, but when things go down between Cordelia's pare...