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Soobin's POV :

I'm going to get married in 2 days. I don't want to get married this early at all, cuz I want to focus on my company. But my parents arranged my marriage with a boy. Today I'm going to meet him. I don't know what type of boy he is but as my parents choose him for me , I'm sure he is good.

Right now I'm at my office, I'm going to meet him in the evening to buy our wedding dress. I choose the best Store to buy our wedding dresses. Even if this marriage is arranged, I decided to give my best as a husband.

Author's POV:

Yeonjun is crying in his room cuz he doesn't want to marry. He just wants to study but his step mother didn't let him. She just want him to die but she has other plans. She wanted Arin to marry Soobin but soobin's parents chose yeonjun to marry his son. That made her very angry but his husband ( yeonjun's step father) agreed to the marriage so there is nothing she can do. That's why she locked yeonjun in his room, starving him to death. She went to yeonjun's room

As his room's door opened, his eyes lighten up as he thought his mother is there to talk with him.

"Be ready by the evening, your soon to be husband is coming here to pick you up for shopping" she said gripping yeonjun's hair tightly.

"Mom , please I don't want to marry..please mom " yeonjun said crying, tears falling from his glossy eyes.

" Me neither son, i wanted my daughter to marry that wealthy man but his parents chose you. I don't know what he saw in a pathetic boy like you" she said and pushed him , that made yeonjun fall back.

Yeonjun cried more..." I'm also your son mom, why don't you love me?" He thought to himself and cried holding his knees.

As he was crying, someone softly patted on his shoulder, he looked up and saw his brother. He immediately hugged him and sobbed.

"Shh hyung don't cry" Beomgyu said and rubbed his hand on yeonjun's back softly.

"I do-don't want to marry" yeonjun said crying in his brother's arm.

"Hyung , don't worry I'll talk to mom" Beomgyu said and wiped yeonjun's tears.

Beomgyu was out of town because of
his photoshoot. In this two days his mother starved yeonjun and looking at yeonjun's thin and pale body. He knew he didn't eat anything.

"Are you hungry, do you wanna eat something!?" Beomgyu asked.

Yeonjun nodded.

"Wait, I'll make something delicious for us" Beomgyu left to kitchen.

He saw his mother and sister were eating lunch happily. He went to them.

"Didn't i tell to stop this wedding mom" Beomgyu said sternly.

" Say that to your dad" his mom said.

"You know that he doesn't want to marry that guy.. why are you forcing him" Beomgyu said in anger.

" I also don't him to marry that man. Arin is perfect match for him but your father already agreed to this marriage" his mother said on which Beomgyu sighed cuz he can't say anything against his father.

" Did hyung eat anything!?" Beomgyu asked.

" Uh I ga-gave him food but he refused to eat" his mom shuttered. But Beomgyu knew she is lying but didn't say anything.

He went to the kitchen and made some food for him and yeonjun. He went to yeonjun's room with two plate of food...yeonjun smiled at Beomgyu.

They started to eat and talked about beomgyu's photoshoot.

ARRANGE MARRIAGE !? YEONBIN Where stories live. Discover now