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Author's POV:

It's almost 8 pm and the couple is in their car.Yeonjun asked soobin many times
That where are they going but it's a surprise is all soobin. They're at their destination. Yeonjun is excited yet nervous cuz it's his first date with his husband.

Soobin went to yeonjun's side and opened the car door, they walked a bit and there they're at their date place.

Yeonjun was shocked after seeing the scene infront of him.

The date place:

It's a very beautiful decoration and all decoration with lights and candles

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It's a very beautiful decoration and all decoration with lights and candles.

"Do you like it!?" Soobin asked nervously.

" I love it" yeonjun said and hugged soobin.

" I'm glad" soobin said and took yeonjun near tent.

They sat down near the table.

"Actually I was busy with work and didn't have much time and i planned it at the last moment, i hope you like it" Soobin said and caressed yeonjun's hand.

"It's really good. I love it , no one ever did this for me, thank you so much" yeonjun said and smiled in assurance.

Soobin prepared all yeonjun's fav food and beverages and few games for them to play... Yeonjun was so happy cuz never in his life , anyone did all this for him. He was grateful to have soobin as his husband, he felt lucky for the first time in his whole life.

They had their dinner and talked for a while, cute and funny conversation and few shots, they played few games.

"You know what when you come closer to me, my heart beats like a drum " Soobin said , he was a bit more drunk cuz he can't stand even one glass.

Yeonjun chuckled at that and went closer to soobin.

" Like this" yeonjun said , his face was so close to soobin.

Soobin's heart started beating fast and yeonjun can hear that.

"It really beats fast" yeonjun said, soobin was looking straight into yeonjun's eyes, he has dizzy eyes and red cheeks.

He held yeonjun by his waist and pulled him more closer ,that only a paper can be fit in between them.

Soobin's breath was hitting yeonjun's lips... yeonjun didn't drink much so he was still sober.

Soobin softly put his lips on yeonjun's, at first yeonjun flinched at the sudden action but soon he melted in the kiss. Soobin moved his lips on yeonjun's and yeonjun was trying to catch up but soobin deepen the kiss, his hand on yeonjun's waist and one hand on yeonjun's neck. While yeonjun's hands around soobin's neck....soobin slightly bit on yeonjun lips, and with a moan yeonjun let him in....their tongues colliding with eachother and after few minutes of heated kiss.... they broke the kiss and soobin hugged yeonjun tightly.

ARRANGE MARRIAGE !? YEONBIN Where stories live. Discover now