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In the whole wedding drama Arin was super jealous as yeonjun took her place ( it was never her tho).

And the other side taehyun was nonstop flirting with Beomgyu. And to his surprise Beomgyu flirted back. Cuz he already knew about taehyun...

Right now they were sitting together infront of their brother's wedding stage.

"I hope your brother treats my Hyung well otherwise he will see the results " Beomgyu said looking at yeonjun who was busy with his husband.

" He will " taehyun said.

" How do you know me tho" taehyun asked.

" Well I have my ways Mr. Terry" Beomgyu said and winked at him.

Taehyun is whipped for Beomgyu.. he used account with name Terry and always flirts in the comment section of beomgyu's feed.

" I wonder how you recognise me among those thousands fans". Taehyun said wondering.

"Like i said I have my own ways" Beomgyu said and rubbed his hand on taehyun's thigh.Which caught taehyun off guard.

Beomgyu already knew about taehyun... Like he said he has his own ways.

"If you be like this , I won't be able to control myself" taehyun said feeling so much hot in the air.

"Well control Mr. Kang, im not easy to get" Beomgyu said.

"Then be ready to get caught baby" taehyun said which made Beomgyu blush and taehyun smirk in victory.

Author's POV:

The ceremony and formalities ended and yeonjun was super tired.... Now it's time for Yeonjun to go to the Choi mansion. And Beomgyu is crying cuz he is worried about his brother.

"Hyung please take care of yourself" Beomgyu said and hugged yeonjun.

" You too and don't overdo work" yeonjun said and patted beomgyu's back who had tears in his eyes. Yeonjun was also crying.

"Don't worry babe , my friend will take good care of your brother" taehyun whispered who was standing beside beomgyu.

"He better " Beomgyu said.

They bid their good bye with yeonjun's family and went inside their car to Choi mansion.

On their way, yeonjun was looking tired. soobin noticed that.

"Are you okay" soobin asked softly.

Yeonjun nodded.

They were sitting in the back seat and yeonjun was really tired... Due to tiredness he was feeling sleepy....

After that the ride was silent....soobin was looking out of the window but suddenly he felt something on his shoulder..and there  yeonjun was sleeping like a baby... soobin looked at yeonjun and smiled softly. He held yeonjun's hand and caressed it softly... Yeonjun pouted in sleep, that made soobin chuckle.

Even the driver was smiling at the couple's moment.

Soon they were infront of a big mansion:

Soobin didn't want to wake up yeonjun so he slowly got out from the car and went towards yeonjun's side. He picked yeonjun up bridal style..yeonjun pouted again but put his one hand around soobin's neck and with other held onto soobin's clothes. Soobin took yeonjun inside the mansion...the maid told to help soobin but soobin denied and went towards his room.

"Looks like my brother already made a move"taehyun said and smirked.

He took a photo of them and send it to Beomgyu..( Yes they already exchanged numbers, you know fast process ; )

Soobin softly put yeonjun on bed and cover him with a blanket. He fondly looked at yeonjun who was sleeping peacefully. His innocent face,he was looking like a baby.soobin just wanted to stare at him all night but he was afraid
If he cross the line.

He softly pecked on yeonjun's forehead lovingly..he was about to go but he saw that yeonjun was having some problem.. he was sweating and was mumbling something.

" Ple-please don't , don't do this" yeonjun said and started crying in sleep..

Seeing that Soobin got scared and went closer to him and held his hand.yeonjun hugged him tightly...

" Shhh It's okay I'm here" soobin said and hugged him back..

" Please save me" yeonjun said sobbing.

" Shh I'm here don't cry" soobin said and softly caressed his back.

Soobin held him as his dear life...yeonjun calmed down after some time.

Soobin noticed that yeonjun was feeling uncomfortable in the wedding he decided to ask yeonjun to change it.

"Do you wanna change clothes hmm!?" Soobin asked still caressing yeonjun's back softly.

Yeonjun nodded his head.

" Let's go I'll give you new clothes to change" soobin said but yeonjun didn't move an inch.

"You want me to carry you to the bathroom?" Soobin asked.

Yeonjun nodded.

Soobin smiled and picked yeonjun in his arms ... Yeonjun snuggled his head in his husband's chest..

Soobin softly put yeonjun down and took clothes from wordrobe which was inside the bathroom.

" Will this be comfortable!?" Soobin asked yeonjun giving the clothes.

Yeonjun looked at him with puppy eyes and nodded his hand..soobin smiled.

Yeonjun was hesitating nd soobin noticed that..

" Oh I wait outside" soobin said after realising.

After that yeonjun changed his clothes and came outside of the bathroom.

Soobin was standing outside the bathroom door. As yeonjun came outside he stared at him unknowingly...yeonjun looked down cuz of his husband's sharp gaze.

" Are you okay now!?" Soobin asked coming to his senses.

Yeonjun nodded his head.

" Okay you can sleep now" soobin said and walked yeonjun to the bed.

Soobin was going but yeonjun held on soobin's suit with his fingers..

" Wh-where are you going soobin-shi!!" Yeonjun asked looking down.

Soobin chuckled at the cute behaviour of his wife.( Husband whatever suit you ohk :)

" Im just going to change " soobin said and patted on yeonjun's head softly..

Yeonjun blushed at the gesture.

Soobin came after changing and frowned cuz yeonjun was still awake..

"Why are you not sleeping huh!?" Soobin asked in soft voice and went closer to Yeonjun.

" I can't sleep" yeonjun said in low voice.

" Why? What happened!?" Soobin asked worriedly.

Yeonjun looked down, don't know what to answer. Soobin looked at him who was fiddling with his sweater paw.

"Will cuddle help!?" Soobin asked hesitantly as he just want yeonjun to be comfortable.

After hearing that yeonjun's cheeks heat up and turned red and he nodded his head.

" Okay then" soobin smiled.

Soobin lied beside yeonjun and opened his arms for Yeonjun... yeonjun nuzzled his face into soobin's chest and put his hand around soobin's waist...soobin caressed yeonjun's back with one hand and hair with other hand....

They cuddled for some time and drifted to sleep in eachothers embrace.

They felt safe in eachothers embrace....yeonjun felt like he found someone who will love him and care for him and soobin felt like he now has someone whom he can care and saw affection towards.


Let's see what happens after this💌

ARRANGE MARRIAGE !? YEONBIN Where stories live. Discover now