Chapter - 1

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The silence in the room was evidence of the upcoming storm with all the minister's head ducked down low .

A person bowing in the centre with hands tied behind his back , clothes disheveled showing the signs that he might have been tortured . He was shivering but not because he was tortured but in fear of what was coming next !

But the thick silence of the room was cut as the person sitting on the throne like chair stood up with slow steps he came down and stood infront of the tied person .

"So you are the one ? Huh .. Heesuk described you way more stronger than you seem tsk.. ". The sarcasm was dripping down as the said person was now circling the tied person on the ground .

"What happened ! Cat got your tongue or what i mean you mustn't be this meek while torturing those innocent Omegas so what happened now oh is it me ? Don't worry ain't i also just like those weak Omegas ". The said person snarled with his aura dominating every one present in the room .

"L-luna.. p-please forgive me ! I-i will not do this again ". The tied person begged while looking vulnerable he kept his head on the said Luna's feet .

"Hahaha... Oo God ! This is fun waa Heesuk bring those Omegas they should also see their perpetrators in this condition what say . " The said person said pushing the tied person who was on his feet .

Heesuk immediately bowed and went to follow his Luna's order soon five trembling Omegas came trailing behind looking scared with slow steps they entered .

Taehyung was immediate on his feet and went near the Omegas to comfort them . The Luna who was just a second ago snarling at everyone looked so soft he was patting those trembling Omegas who felt slightly relieved seeing their Luna comforting them .

"You all don't have to worry about this monster he will not do anything to you all now okay ". The Omegas looked at Taehyung with tear filled eyes .

But as soon as Taehyung looked at the person lying on the ground his face changed to disgust he went near the person and grabbed his hair and threw him infront of the Omegas on their feet .

"Look these are the same Omegas whom you tortured physically and emotionally ! You thought by silencing their parents you can roam free and no one will be there to punish you .

But you forgot that you live in Herath Pack which is ruled by an Omega and one thing which can never be forgiven in this pack that is torturing the weaker ones and you have committed an unforgettable crime so there is no forgiveness for you .

I will make sure you get the harshest punishment which will set an example for the whole pack to never torture the weaker ones .

Heesuk send him to the Omegan Court for the further proceedings and make sure he gets the hardest punishment ". The words were very loud and clear no one had the guts to object it . And the last thing they would want to do is to disobey their Luna .

"Court is dismissed ! ". Taehyung voice boomed through the hall with that all the members scurried away leaving only Taehyung with the Omegas .

"T-thankyou Luna .. w-we will forever be grateful to you... You saved our life otherwise we don't know what would have happened ". Lina one of Omega's said with her head down .

"What's your name sweety ? ". Taehyung said but with the most sweetest voice that would have made everyone in the court question whether he is same person who was snarling few minutes before .

"L-lina ... ". The girl said meekly .

"Lina dear you don't need to thank me that's my duty as your Luna to keep you all safe infact i want to apologise for not able to save you all before . " Taehyung has guilt riding on his shoulders for not getting to know about this before .

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