Chapter - 30

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The knock on the door broke Taehyung's sleep he also fell asleep cuddling Jungkook so he quietly detached himself from his mate's embrace and went to open the door .

When he opened the door he was surprised to see Meyong standing there with a sweet smile .

"Did i wake you up ? Sorry honey but i thought you must be hungry so brought some snacks for you ". Meyong spoke which keeping the snacks tray she brought on the nearby table .

"No emoenim it's fine i was about to get up actually didn't realise when i fell asleep . " Taehyung spoke correctly his disheveled clothes and hair .

"Oh no sweety don't be .. now eat some snacks you must be hungry there is  still some time for dinner ". Meyong replied smile still present on her face with a little part on Taehyung's shoulder Meyong left .

Taehyung smiled in return and closed the door he likes Meyong nature she is calm , kind and most important understanding despite the complications of her relationship with Jungkook or Hanjun she is still waiting there patiently .

Tae looked at his sleepy mate and couldn't bring himself to wake him up as he looks so peaceful so Taehyung ate some snacks took a short bath and went down .

When he came down he saw everyone was still busy with their work so he quietly went to the kitchen and saw Meyong was preparing dinner all by herself .

"Emoenim.. can i help you with something ? You are doing everything alone ". Taehyung said looking slightly worried why in such a big house there was no one to help the Luna .

"Oh son.. why are you here ? You should have rested . " Meyong replied while stirring soup . There was already a dozen of dishes prepared .

"I am okay emoenim please let me help you with something you are doing all this alone ". Taehyung was looking around trying find something he could help with .

"Oh sweety you don't have to worry actually i like to cook for my family and now my Jungkookie is back along with my son in law then how can i sit and not do anything . "

Taehyung blushed slightly with the name of son in law oh God .. soon he will be the son in law of this family and Jungkookie will be his husband !

"Okay don't be sad umm.. how about you make the fried rice hmm it's the only thing left . You know how to make it right ". Meyong asked but there was no taunt or malice just the normal concern .

"Yes i know how to make it ". Taehyung quickly went and grabbed a wok and spatula thankfully it's fried rice he has to cook and that's one of the few things he knows to cook . He is so glad that Deak-su taught him this .

With an unwavering attention Taehyung started cooking so that he doesn't commit any mistake well he doesn't want to create a bad impact on his first day at his in-laws that he cannot cook .

Meyong smiled seeing Taehyung cooking cautiously she understood his son in law is not that good at cooking but that doesn't matter atleast he is trying and that's all what matters .

"Oh Jinnie you are back ? ". Meyong's voice broke Taehyung's attention and he looked up and saw Seokjin standing there watching him with a weird look but as soon as he looked at Meyong his whole demeanor changed .

"Yes eomma.. i am back what are you doing ? Why are you cooking alone where are the maids". Jin asked not looking very happy .

"You don't worry about me and tell me what the doctor said is everything fine ? Is my grandson or granddaughter doing well ".

"Yes eomma everything is fine they are doing well but doctor Emma told me to take rest and not move around much ". Jin answered and sat on the chair .

"Thankyou Moon Goddess please take care of my Jinnie and his child and Emma is right you should take rest . Everyday i tell you to take rest but you never listen to me ". Meyong scolded Jin lovingly .

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