Chapter - 7

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A/n : In this story when someone wants to reject their Destined Mate they don't just say this to eachother but there is special court related to it where they have submit their application and then both the Mates have to sign it and also a ritual is performed where the Mates stand infront of the whole society and reject eachother .


Awkwardness.... If one word that could describe the moment that would be this !

Two persons who are destined by the Moon Goddess herself for the eternity are sitting facing eachother but don't know what to say ... Even Moon Goddess is feeling awkward due to these two shy babies that's why now she is behind the curtain of clouds ..

Let's talk about these two persons who doesn't have a word to speak . While on one hand the one who throughout the whole week wanting to talk to his Mate it now sweating bullets even to utter a single word really ! Seriously Jeon Jungkook..

And the other one had a different dilemma inside his head .

After few minutes of contemplation finally Taehyung spoke to break the ice
"Umm.. Jungkook-ssi i am sorry to disturb you at this hour but i cannot wait anymore for what i wanted to talk".

Taehyung looked at Jungkook who looked confused at the start but soon his confusion changed into happiness as if he was waiting for this .

"You are right we should talk about this i mean it is about our whole life and we should think about it there is no reason for the delay ". Jungkook replied with enthusiasm .

And Taehyung his heart broke the way Jungkook was looking happy with all the hopes in his eyes but he has to do ! It's better for both of them .

"Jungkook-ssi we can't be together ... ".

There it is ... He said it !

Taehyung knows he is breaking a heart but he don't have any other option other than this .. what else can he do it ? Accept Jungkook as his Mate and start a new life .. no he can't do this . If he have had a normal life then he would have been ecaststic to meet his mate but ...

He can't once again give the reigns of his life into someone's else's hand . All his life others had made decisions for him when he was small his uncle and aunt took him in and when they found it convenient they sold him to someone else !

After so many struggles he finally has hua life in his hands and he will never let anyone take the reigns of it no matter what !

"I know you must have had many expectations from your would be Mate but i am afraid to tell you that i am not that person . I cannot be someone's Mate and be coy about it ...

To be frank i never wanted a Mate never.. infact when i became 18 and my husband died i dreaded for the moment that my Destined Mate would turn up and imprison me once again .

But i was relived that when no one came for whole six years i was so happy and finally felt liberated which i never felt all my life .

I am sorry if i have disappointed you but it's better this way we shouldn't start a thing which will end badly . Before we start any emotions it should end .

You are a good person Jungkook-ssi .. you deserve someone much better than me .. someone who could give you the happiness you deserve not me who is too broken to give you anything .

Let us finish this chaos first then we will go to the court to mutually reject eachother i hope you'll be okay with that .

I am once again sorry for disturbing your sleep I'll take my leave Good night Jungkook-ssi ". Taehyung said with thousands of emotions hurling inside him still he didn't showed anything but when he looked at Jungkook his heart broke .. the way Jungkook was looking so devastated .

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