The Meadow

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One day, 4-year-old Thranduil was at home playing with his toys while his father was busy in a meeting. Thranduil looked out of his window and saw the beautiful, shining sun. He wanted to go outside and play. Before he could go outside, he went to his father, who was in the meeting and tugged on his robe. His father, Oropher, looked down at him and said, "My son, I'm very busy. What is it?" Said Oropher as Thranduil continued to put on his robe, and he yelled his name " Ada !!!!! I'm very busy. What do you need? and his father put his paper down and said, Son, please do not yell in my ear I'm very busy. What do you need? " I was wondering, Father can I go play outside? Please I promise to be careful. Thranduil Began to lose patience because his father did not respond to his question at all, and he began to pull his robe, so hard that his father fell to the floor. At this point, his father lost his patience and shouted at his baby lad and he said, what do you yearn for? I'm very occupied At the moment very very busy. And his son just timidly said I want to go outside." Well if that's all you want then go outdoors and play  I don't want you going too distant into the meadow just stay where I can see you and don't go into the woods. Do you understand me Thranduil? " yes I understand papa I won't go too far I promise you that I won't go further into the Meadow, I promise. " all right just go I'm occupied
said his  father
but when his son left to go, play his dad felt wrong shouting at him. later that day in the Meadow, to catch the butterfly the little prince of the woods was sprinting around chasing a butterfly, and he was having so much fun. until finally, he reached the end of the meadow, where there was another field with tall grass, he walked through the tall grass and found another butterfly, and he chased it and ran and ran and sprinted to go catch the butterfly. But when he was about to catch it his little tunic got caught on a branch and he fell into a big hole. " ah Thranduil yelled as he fell into the hole. And when he opened his little eyes, he saw a wolf standing there, looking at him, growling at him, and moving toward him slow and carefully.  And the wolf bit him so hard that the little prince screamed in pain, and then he found a way to hide from the wolf but he was trembling, and he was so terrified And the wolf bit him so hard that the little prince screamed in pain, and then he found a way to hide from the wolf but he was trembling, and he was so scared. All he wanted was to go home... All he wanted was to go home. There that night back in Mirkwood Oropher was finally done with his meeting when he decided to go searching for his little boy, he went into the meadow and searched for his small boy. As he looked around the middle, he couldn't find him, and then he realized that he yelled at his son too much and he felt bad and began to sob but then all of a sudden he heard screams coming from a hole and he looked into the hole and found his son and he "said hold on to my robe. I will pull you out. Of the hole, his son just held on to the robe and his father pulled him out and ran him. " oh my goodness Thranduil I'm so glad that you're OK. Are you hurt? He said in a worried voice and his son said yes Daddy I got hurt. I'm ashamed that I got hurt and that I didn't listen to you. I'm sorry said his son with tears in his eyes his father held him close and said it's OK my little one on one who's sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you you just wanted my attention and I was paying attention to the meeting and not paying attention to you. I'm very sorry my little one can you forgive me? Says his father as he carries his little thranduil. His son was surprised to see his father crying and he asked Ada why are you so unhappy? well my son I'm upset because I yelled at you and I don't like to yell at you but also you have to understand when I'm busy. I can't pay attention to you but that doesn't mean that I want to be mean it just means that Daddy is busy I know that you understand but at the same time if you need something you need to be patient, do you understand? I understand and I'm sorry for disobeying you it's an OK baby." yes Daddy I understand and I'm sorry for disobeying you it's an OK baby when they got home his father saw that he got hurt and he said my little one what happened to your foot why is it bleeding well in the hole that I fell into there was a wolf in the wolf bit me. " oh is alright my little son daddy will take care of you. Later in the evening, his father canceled all his meetings and was taking care of the cut on his son's leg. " ow Ada that wounds me so much. " I know Thranduil how do I have to clean it up or it will get infected and then we will have to go to the healers and it will be worse if I don't take care of it said his father as he covered the injured leg in a bandage. 🩹 "There we go all done you were very brave my little one. I am very proud of you, but also don't run so quickly in the Meadow so you don't fall into holes anymore. "All alright Daddy I won't run so quickly next time but I did have fun in the meadow. after a long day of playing, his father was preparing dinner when he saw his little prince on the throne and he said, what are you doing son I'm pretending to be the king father oh my son you'll be king one day you will have a son I will, of course, but for now just be my little boy, my playful little boy. I love you so much my little. Thranduil. Well come on son it's time for dinner and at dinner. His son ate all his food and said delicious food Father that was so good. Says Thranduil as his face is covered with spaghetti sauce. Later that night at bathtime his dad was helping him get clean with a washcloth, but his son was splashing the water so hard that the water landed on the floor and his dad said Son what did I tell you about doing that? " oh I'm sorry Ada I was just having fun in the bath. Oh, I know my son I'm sorry I will try to control my temper. I promise now let me get you out of the tub. later that night at bedtime, his father was reading him a story, and then his son fell asleep, and his father said " Good night my dear little thranduil Ada loves you so very much. He whispered gently, and his son looked up at him with a smile and said. " Ada I love you too father very much.

 " Ada I love you too father very much

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