Little thranduil's bath

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Thranduil is 3 years old in the story and he doesn't like bathtime so he hides from his father.
One evening 3 year old little Thranduil was hiding under his blanket away from his father because he knew it was time for him to take a bath.  " thranduil where are you? You called his father from the hallway. But there are no answer so his father. Oropher started to look around and he couldn't find his son anywhere, but then he knew where he would be hiding so he went into his room and he walked up to the bed and found his little boy underneath his blanket. " thranduil I know you're under there I can smell you and I can see your muddy little feet. I need you to come out so I can give you a bath said his father  as he lifted up the blanket and found his messy little boy covered in mud and leaves in his hair and twigs in his hair. " come on my little king is time for your bath. " No I don't want to take a bath says little Thranduil as he ran out of room and ran to the living room and hid it under the couch. " son please don't have a temper tantrum today and listen to me please says  Oropher as he bent down and found a way to get his son out of the couch and he said "come here you stinky little boy. His father said as he carried his little thranduil in his arms all the way to the bathroom. " no I don't want a bath said little thranduil as he tried to run away, but his father close the door and he said my son I know you're afraid of water still a little bit but you have to clean you're covered in mud, my baby, but don't worry daddy will be here the whole time I promise I won't leave you alone. I promised you that with all my heart now let's get you clean OK and if you're a good boy, daddy will make your favorite dinner tonight macaroni and cheese with bacon and broccoli and sausage, but you have to be a good boy and listen to me. Oropher said as he helped his son get undressed and then he started to fill up the tub with warm water and he may charge put bubble bath in it and he put a lot of of toys in the tub too. But when Thranduil saw the water he started to panic and he started to cry and he said "I don't wanna go in. I'm scared. Said the little king as he hid behind his Ada " shh my little elfling daddy won't let nothing happen now let's get in the tub and play with the toys look got you a rubber ducky. I got you this water squirter that looks like an elk and I  put a lot of bubbles in the water said  Oropher As he puts his baby boy in the bathtub At first little Thranduil saw really scared when he felt the water behind him and all around him, but then he got used to the water when he saw the bubbles and he began to play with them and splash the water. " don't splash the water too much my son because if it gets on the floor, you can slip and get hurt. Said Oropher as he gently grabbed his son's hands so he could stop getting water on the floor. " here why don't we play with the rubber duckies instead? " yay duckies said little thranduil taking his new toys into the bathtub while his father washed his hair and his dad noticed that his little elfling was having so much fun with the toys and playing with the water but when he saw the bubbles, the little king took them and he put them in his hair and he said daddy look " I have bubbles 🫧 in my hair now says little thranduil as he plays with the bubbles 🫧 in the bath and his father said " oh my silly little boy you look so funny with bubbles in your hair . " but I have to continue to wash your hair so I have to rinse out the shampoo so close eyes OK. Thranduil did what he was told, and he close his little little eyes, but then he opened them for one second because he was looking for his rubber ducky because he couldn't find it when he found it. He completely opened his eyes and shampoo into his eyes, and he started to cry " Ahhhhhh my eyes hurt says  thranduil as he felt the shampoo sting his eyes when his father hurt him screaming he dropped the conditioner and turned off the water and he picked up. His son, rushed him to the sink and started to pour cold water on his face to get the shampoo out of his eyes. " shhh my son the shampoo is out of your eyes now let's get back into the tub and rinse out the shampoo and conditioner in your bath will be over.  Then his daddy turned off the sink and took his son back to the bathtub and turned on the water and he made sure it was nice and warm again, and he took out the shampoo and put his hand over his son's eyes, so the shampoo wouldn't get in and removed all the shampoo and conditioner, and he made sure he got the conditioner out too. when Oropher was done giving his baby a bath. He turned off the water and took a towel and dried his son with the towel. " there we go all nice and clean that wasn't so bad now wasn't says Oropher as he continued to dry his baby boy with the fluffy towel. " so fluffy. Said little thranduil feeling the fluffy towel against his little body and he didn't wanna let go of the  towel because it was so fluffy.  Then his Ada carried him still in the towel to his room and got him dressed for Bed. " what PJs do you want to wear my little one says Oropher as he looks in the PJ drawer to find clean clothes for his little boy to wear for bed. " I want to wear my green pjs for bed siad little thranduil as he pointed to the green PJs and his father smiled and said, of course my son come here says his father as he helped his son get dressed for bed. " and now that you're all clean, I have your surprise you're gonna have macaroni and cheese for dinner tonight. I promised you with your favorite toppings, sausage broccoli, and that's all. So later at night. At dinner Oropher was preparing his sons, favorite macaroni and cheese recipe for dinner and when it was ready, he said oh my little Thranduil I made your favorite food come downstairs to eat said  Oropher said then his son came running down the stairs and entered the kitchen and he sat down next to his favorite dish of food and he began eating it. " yummy in my tummy says little thranduil eating his food so quickly that he started to choke and his father saw his son choking and dropped everything he was doing and started to pat his back  really hard. " come on son spit it out come on baby boy spit it out said his dad starting to get worried because nothing was working so he decided to take his son right to the healer when the healers saw the trouble that the king was in he said don't worry Oropher I know exactly what to do. Give me the little prince. " can you please help my little prince he can't really breathe. He's choking. Please help him says Oropher starting to have a panic attack because he was very worried. Then the other healers had to help him calm down and they said calm down Oropher we will make sure your baby is OK  After a few hours later, of  waiting in the waiting
room  the nurse said " my king Oropher your baby boy is fine and his breathing went back to normal. This is what he was choking on she said showing him an x-ray and he said he was choking on broccoli. Oh my God, my poor baby can I go see him please. " sure my king said the nurse taking Oropher to the hospital room when little thranduil saw his dad he jumped off the hospital bed and ran to him, and his father said oh my little boy you scared me what did I tell you about eating so quickly you're supposed to eat your food slowly.

Later in the evening when they got home, his father gave him some tea and read him story and put him to bed and he said please don't scare me that again and remember that daddy will always love you my sweet little king sweet dreams, my baby boy and his son said I'm sorry for scaring you daddy I promise from now on I will try to eat my food slowly I enjoy my day with you, especially my bathtime was fun
Said thranduil finally falling asleep and dreaming about macaroni and cheese and all his favorite foods and his father smiled good night, my baby boy I love you

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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