Little Thranduil doesn't behave

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One afternoon in woodland realm of Mirkwood 5 year old little Thranduil was jumping on the couch, and he was full of energy and when his father walked into the living room, he said "Thranduil what did I say about jumping on the couch? It's very dangerous you could hurt yourself " Oropher said putting his son on the floor and taking him off the couch. " Thranduil on the couch, jumping on it again you'll be in trouble. I don't want you jumping on this because you could hurt yourself." Oropher said as he carried his son in his arms and he took him to the kitchen to give him lunch" my little boy what do you want to eat for lunch today said his dad as Thranduil started to stand on his chair and sitting on it, and his father said " son please please sit down don't stand on the chair you're gonna hurt yourself" thranduil just crossed his arms and sat down. " I what mushroom soup daddy said the little king to his father. And then his father started to prepare the soup, and when the soup was finished, his son began to eat the soup with his spoon, but he was slurping the soup " Thranduil please stop misbehaving if you don't behave, then daddy won't take me to the park. Said his father in a very strong voice. Later in the afternoon. Thranduil was so bored that he felt like he needed to cause trouble all over again. So, instead of playing with his toys he snuck into the living room and started jumping up and down  on the couch. " this is fun" Thranduil said as he continued jumping up and down and he continued until finally he slipped and fell off the couch right onto the ground so hard that he screamed " Ada!!!!!!!!!!!! Oropher was reading a book when all of a sudden he dropped it and ran all the way to the living room and saw his son holding his arm tight, and he said "Thranduil my little one are you okay" and he didn't want to tell his father the truth because he knew he was gonna get in trouble so he lied and he said I fell off the couch papa when I was sitting on it. And when the healers arrived. He said, did yourself fall from a high place because his arm is really broken. " well he said he fell off the couch didn't you son his father said in a  suspicious voice. Because he knew Thranduil was lying and he said " Thranduil tell me the truth right now because if you don't, you know what will happen when you feel better. And when they got home, his father laid him down on the bed, and he said. " my muffin tell me the truth please I won't be mad but I am a little mad because I know what you did. At first the little king didn't want to tell the truth and he hid under his blanket and he said " I don't want to tell the truth Ada Thranduil said as he crossed his little arms. a few days after he got better, he finally told the truth and he said " Ada i'm very sorry I climbed on the couch and jumped on it" thranduil said as he ate his breakfast. After he told the truth, his father smiled

said, I'm very proud of you. My son that you told me the truth you think you were scared but I'm very proud but next time if you ever do that again, there will be consequences, but do you wanna know a secret?" " when Ada was your age I jumped on the couch too Oropher said as he snuggled his baby in a blanket as they sat on the couch. And thranduil started jumping on the couch without his father noticing but his father noticed he said no baby don't do that. " but why daddy why don't you let me have fun" Thranduil said crying because he was mad at his father and his dad said because " is rule of the house you're not allowed to jump on the couch because it's a rule and you have to follow the rules are there to keep you safe and if I don't have rules then I won't be able to keep you safe. Oropher said holding his son in his arms. Please understand my son I just want to keep you safe because I don't want to lose you because I love you so much" Oropher said as thranduil started to feel sleepy, and he fell asleep with his father and his dad said to himself I was his age again I would jump on the couch and I would have the energy he has, but I don't said his father asleep next to his son. Thranduil continued to sleep, but then he noticed that he didn't have his favorite toy. His arm still hurt a little bit, and he began to cry. " Ada he said with tears and his father "said baby what's wrong? " "I can't find my elk toy anywhere" Thranduil said crying and he was really upset and his father calms him down and said " don't cry my boy I will find your toy. And then, later in the afternoon, his father found the toy and gave it to his son, and his father held him and said " I love you so much my little boy  even when you cause trouble for me" Oropher said as he tickled his son and his little boy giggles and said " no ada that tickles me Thranduil said as his dad continued to play with his little boy. Later in the evening his father gave him dinner, and it was hot. Warm mushroom soup the way he enjoyed it and he said "thank you daddy" and then after dinner Thranduil's father gave him a bath with bubbles and his son saw the bubbles and he began to pop them with his little fingers, and after bathtime his father, got him dressed for bed, and he said I'll be right back with the storybook no, jumping on the bed either. But. Thranduil always knew how to cause trouble, and he cost trouble anyway, and he started jumping off his bed, but when his father walked, and he said Thranduil Oropherion "stop, jumping on the bed" said his father lifting him up from the bed and he said " that's it if you don't want to follow the rules then I'm going to spanking you with my belt Oropher said leaving the room for five minutes and coming back with a belt when Thranduil saw the belt he ran off and he ran into the living room, and he hid underneath the couch. He was so scared, because he hated getting in trouble with his father, because he knew his father was very strict. Oropher followed his son into the living room and he said I know you're in here. Where are you come out and then he looked under the couch and picked up his son and he said. " Thranduil you're not going anywhere" "I'm really Ada Thranduil  said crying his father said no I am not forgiving you you brought it on yourself. You didn't listen to me so as a consequence you are getting a spanking Oropher said as he pulled Thranduil's pants down and he began to spank his son and his little boy cried as the belt landed on his button and he cried in pain " ow Ada please don't hurt me Thranduil says as he continued to cry, as his father continued to spank him. " ow Ada Thranduil said as he cried out in pain and said " Ada I'm really sorry for not following the rules I will follow them. I promise said the little elf as his father finally stopped and he held him and helped him put on  his pants. And then his dad said " my little king i'm very sorry that I hurt you but I want you to know that if you cost trouble I'm going to be a consequence you can't always get your way you  understand and I want you to know that I love you very much and I will never spank you again but if you misbehave that again and lie to me, then I will have to spank you again" Oropher as he took his son back to bed, and he said " since you didn't behave, I won't read you a story tonight but I will read you one tomorrow sleep tight and please don't take my patience. I love you very much my sweet little boy." Oropher says as he tucked in his son and his son said. " daddy I love you so much too and remember my son I will always love you no matter what you do love is unconditional. I want you to know that he said leaving the room for night.

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