Little thranduil's tummy ache

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One morning 6 year old Thranduil woke up with a painful pain in his tummy. " ow my little tummy hurts says Thranduil as he tried to get up with the pain was too strong and he couldn't even even get up from bed " ahhh it hurts"!!!!  Said the small elfling as he began to throw up on his bed. But he continued to vomit even more until finally after an hour, he finally stopped, but his stomach hurts so much that he just laid on his vomit covered sheets and he couldn't move because the pain was too much that was until Oropher ran into the room because he was worried about his son when he entered the room he saw the vomit all over the bed and all over his son " my little son what's wrong with your little tummy says Oropher as he was extremely worried for his son's health. " my tummy hurts so badly Ada said the little king to his father as he held his tummy. " maybe you're hungry maybe that will help your tummy come let's get to eat. Said his father. But before we go eat my son, let's get you cleaned up you're covered in throw up said Oropher scooping up his son into his arms and taking him to the bathroom but while he was holding his son in his arms his little boy did really quiet and didn't say anything at all, and this worried his father to no end because his little boy was so cheerful when he would pick him up but this time he was so quiet that his dad knew something was wrong with him. And when they go to the bathroom thranduil just stayed in his father's arms while he filled up the tub and then his dad puts him  on the toilet seat and then he starts to  undressed his little son. When the bathwater was ready, and it was nice and warm. His father puts little Thranduil in the tub and his father begins to wash his son and when he tried to get his son to play in the bath, his little boy ignored him, and he says " no Ada I don't want to play said thranduil not even splashing the water or even playing with his favorite toy boat and even playing with the bubbles or even splashing his father. " thranduil are you OK my little little one"? Oropher says as his son stayed really quiet in his bath time. Afterwards he got his son dressed in PJs, he took him downstairs and made him breakfast. He made him some oatmeal to see. Maybe they will help him with his stomach problem but it didn't. It made him throw up. Even more than something worse happened the little elfling felt dizzy and fell to the floor and fainted " thranduil my son"!!!! Said Oropher as he ran to his son and picked him up and noticed that he all of a sudden was very hot and very warm and he knew he had a fever so he rushed him to the emergency healers. " help me!!!"  Said king Oropher as he ran to the healers and the nurse saw the king was stressed out she said " my king Oropher are you alright"   She said as the queen was trying to calm down and he said " my little Thranduill woke up this morning with a tummy ache and he was covered and throw up and he fainted" the king said as held the sick little elfling king in his arms. When the nurse saw the state of the little boy, she said, I know what he has but we have to do surgery right away. She said as she took the sick child in her arms. When they got to the hospital room. At this point, she was puts his sick baby in a hospital gown. And then later in the afternoon. The doctor says " my king your son has Appendicitis and he needs surgery right away. When Oropher heard the news he said he is going to be OK" Oropher said as he starting to get worried about his little king and the other two doctors said " yes you caught it on time so everything is going to be OK. I promise you if we  don't see anything else You guys could go home tonight, but if we see something he needs to stay overnight. Later in the evening. Oropher was in the waiting room and he was  walking back-and-forth he was so worried about his little Thranduil and hours later he was falling asleep asleep in the chair until finally he fell asleep for hours until thesun went down. And the operation lasted for about. Maybe four hours until it was 8 o'clock and the doctor came out. of the operation room with a big smile on his face and he said in a cheerful tone " your little baby has no more problems with his tummy. He's all better and you guys can go home said the doctor. When Oropher heard the news that his baby was doing well, he ran into the hospital room and found little Thranduil eating some soup with a big smile on his face and when little baby Thranduil saw his Father he got so happy and he said " Ada I feel better and I'm hungry too" thranduil said as he ate his soup but the spoon fell into the soup and his hands were very sweaty and he couldn't hold the spoon so Oropher fed his baby the soup and he was so happy to see his baby eat it all up and before they left the hospital the doctor said " make sure to give him this herb in his water or juice to make his tummy not hurt too much at night because the scar can hurt sometimes at night the doctor said giving the king a bottle of medication for little thranduil to take at home and make sure he gets lots of rest andno going outside for about maybe two weeks and make sure he eats a lot of soup. Once at home Thranduil was laying down on the couch while his father was washing the sheets on his bed and when he was done, he said " my little thranduil do you want to sleep down here in the living room or do you want to go to your room to sleep tonight"Oropher said as he held his son in his arms. And little thranduil said " I want to sleep with you Ada please says his little elfling as he hugs his daddy gently. " alright my little boy you can sleep with me tonight, but first I have to giveyou the medicine that the doctor gave you and then his father took the medication and puts it  in a small amount of medicine in a Cup of milk and thranduil to drink it when he said " yucky medicine and he made a funny face because the medicine was really gross.  " Ada that medicine was disgusting." Thranduil said as his father gave him some apple juice to make the medicine taste go away and later in the evening thranduil was sleeping with his father and his dad was sleeping with his baby boy in his arms and the very next morning Oropher entered the room with a bowl of chicken soup and more medication for his baby boy when Thranduil saw that he was going to have soup for breakfast he got a little mad and he said " but Ada I don't want soup for breakfast I told you I wanted pancakes said the little king as he pushed the soup far away from him without spilling it. His Ada said " my little elfling you can't have pancakes today The doctor told me that you have to eat soup for a couple days just for a few days that's all and then once you feel better then you can have your regular foods that you have for breakfast OK Oropher said as he fed his son the soup and then later later in the afternoon he gave him medicine and then his son took a long nap.

A few days later Thranduil got all better and he started to eat more and his stomach didn't hurt anymore and he wasn't throwing up and his father got so happy. He said I'm so happy you're feeling better my little one." His dad said hugging his little elfling and thranduil said " thank you Ada for taking care of me and his father said I will do anything for you my son I love you and then a few days later his little boy went back to his trouble  making self and his dad said " my son is definitely back  to normal he said chasing his son around the house because his son was making a mess by drawing on the wall but his daddy didn't  mind at this moment because he was just happy to have his healthy little boy back.

" His dad said hugging his little elfling and thranduil said " thank you Ada for taking care of me and his father said I will do anything for you my son I love you and then a few days later his little boy went back to his trouble  making self and ...

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