Chapter 7

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Hi guys, just in case some of you didn't get the message, I recently edited the first few chapters, adding in the detail that Abigail's mother had given her a key just before she died, but with no explanation behind it. Anyways, hope this chapter answers some of the questions you have been asking. Enjoy! :)

Chapter 7

I sat on the edge of my bed, fiddling with the key my mother had given me, trying to figure out what relevance it had. Why had she been so secretive about giving it to me? And why hadn't she given me a further explanation? She clearly had known something, something that was so terrible she had been murdered.

I set it down on the counter with a sigh and shakily picked up the box that had arrived this morning.

I hadn't opened it but I already knew who it was from. It was tied with the blue ribbon that my mother had worn so frequently in her hair. I felt sick at the thought of what could be inside.

I looked down at my phone to see if Ally had messaged me again. I had asked her to be here whilst I opened it.

I was too scared to open it on my own.

Georgina and Lucy were at school and I hoped this would be an opportunity where I could finally figure out what was going on. All I wanted was for this thing to be over so I could finally get on with my life.

Providing the package did not contain a bomb of course, in which case, keeping it wrapped up was maybe not the best idea.

I eyed the box suspiciously and gave it a cautious shake, despite the fact that I had no idea what a bomb would sound like anyways.

My unhelpful train of thought was brought to an abrupt halt when I heard a sharp knock on the door.

I got up quickly and opened the door, to find Ally standing there with a massive clipboard.

I raised my eyebrow in confusement.

"Um, Al?" I began.

She smiled proudly.

"I borrowed it from college. They always figure out mysteries on clipboards in films. Therefore, I realised having one was absolutely necessary."

I couldn't help but smile a little at the enthusiasm of my best friend.

Noticing the parcel in my hand, Ally's eager face turned into a frown.

"I can open it if you want". She said sympathetically.

I smiled gratefully.

"Thanks...but I think I should do it myself...". I replied with a sad smile.

We sat down and I shakily prised the box open, half expecting another grotesque gift from the grave.

But what was inside was certainly not what I was expecting.

For inside was a tiny jewelled music box.

Nothing about it looked unusual, it was pale pink, with a miniature ballerina poised elegantly in the middle and it looked brand new. Ally and I looked at each other in confusion.

Ally began to turn the little screw at the side, causing gentle music to fill the silence in the room, music that sounded so...familiar.

"I recognise this song," I muttered under my breath.

I heard Ally begin to say something in the background but I wasn't taking it in. I focused on the tiny ballet dancer turn around and around, hoping it would somehow jog my memory. Suddenly the answer clicked.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2015 ⏰

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