Chapter 1

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Hi guys :) I'm new here to wattpad and this is my first story. Please like, vote and follow and I promise I will read all your stories and like and follow you.

picture of Abigail to the side ------>

Chapter 1

I sat completely motionless, staring at the stark white wall of the hospital. There was only thought going through my head over and over. My mother was dying.

My mother was DYING.

I chewed what was left of my bloody fingernails, and looked up anxiously at the clock. 11.42pm it read. Exactly 1 hour had passed since I had heard the news. I suddenly saw the whole incident repeat in my head. The police officers appearing in my classroom. The shocked looks of all my friends. The officers sorrowful eyes as they told me the news and that awful sensation of grief came sweeping over me, again. I took a deep breath to try to calm myself down and I tried to put on a brave face. I had to be brave. For mum.

"Abigail McCarthy", a nurse said, her voice completely indifferent. She glanced around the waiting room, her beady green eyes scanning the crowds. I swallowed nervously.

"I'm here", I croaked. It was so quiet I'm surprised she heard but she looked straight over at me, her face completely neutral. "You can see your mother now, follow me please".

Swallowing the lump that was forming in my throat, I stood up slowly, my legs almost collapsing under me. It was all I could do not to just sit back down but I couldn't. Not here, not now. I clenched my teeth, stood firmly upright and nodded. I followed the nurse through a range of corridors, not uttering a word the whole way.

It would have been stupid to ask if my mother was going to be ok. The police had told me so, though not in that exact wording of course; but I still had a tiny hope inside me that wanted to believe that they had been mistaken. That my mothers condition had been exaggerated and she would make a full recovery by tommorrow.

Or she was mixed up with someone else, I mean that happens, right?

How could I possibly believe that my mother was dying? Had I not been eating breakfast with her only hours ago, laughing at Lucy, who was telling us the most ridiculous stories. Suddenly I felt like I had been punched in the gut. How could I possibly explain any of this to Lucy. My Sweet, 5 year old sister Lucy, who didn't even know what death meant.

The nurse finally stopped at a door. Identical to all the rest but behind it was something that would change my life forever. I took a deep breath and pushed the door open, trying to prepare myself for what was inside;

but NOTHING could have prepared me for what i was about to see. Any hope of my mother recovering had instantly vanished from my mind.

"MUM!!!" I screamed and ran over. She was lying completely motionless, her long wavy auburn curls  hacked off, leaving her almost completely bald. Her beautiful, kind face was barely recognizable. She was as white as a sheet and her lips were almost blue. I reached out to touch her cheek. It was stone cold.

I feared that the unthinkable had already happened but her eyes flickered and began to open very slowly. Her eyes were the only part of her body that had been untouched. Soft brown eyes, with creases at the sides from all the smiling she did. "Laughter lines". Thats what she called them. I realised with horror I would never hear her laugh again. She had such such a beautiful laugh, my mother. One that could light up a whole room and leave even the the most miserable person with a smile.

"Hello darling", she said, her voice weak and horse. I could feel tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Oh Mum, what happened?",  I asked softly. My mother opened her mouth, but at that moment my sister Georgina burst through the doors, sobbing uncontrollably.

Georgina was your typical popular girl. She was only 13, the very youngest year at school, but EVERYBODY knew who she was. She was absolutely gorgeous too, long dark brown hair, perfect curls (not straggly or frizzy like my hair often is), big brown eyes and was skinnier than a stick insect.

But today she wasn't beautiful. Her hair was messy and matted, her face was pale and tear stained. Her eyes were extremely red and puffy and her eyeliner was dripping down to her cheeks.

"Hello Georgie", my mother whispered with a soft smile. This only made Georgina cry harder. I sat there feebly, and offered my sobbing sister a tissue. She took it gratefully and wiped her eyes, proceeding to smear her eyeliner across her entire face. She didn't appear to care.

"You're going to be alright mum, right?", Georgina choked through sobs that seemed to echo aorund the room. My chest tightened as my mother opened her mouth to answer.

"I'm sorry love", my mother whispered thickly. My sister tried to reply through hysterical sobs. Her words were impossible to make out. I wrapped my arms around her, hugging her close, smoothing out her hair as her entire body shook with sobs. My mother looked at us teary eyed.

"I love you girls so much and I don't want to leave you like this. Tell your younger sister I love her everyday for me girls, She's much too young to deal with any of this."

I nodded determindly, though a lump was forming in my throat again. 

My mother noticed that was Georgina was still sobbing and extended her hand out. Georgina grabbed it and clutched it, as if the whole world depended on it. Maybe it did, for her anyway.

"You are beautiful, bright talented girls who have your whole life ahead of you. Don't let this take that away from you. "

I nodded silently, unable to speak. Georgina had stopped crying so loudly. Instead, silent tears rolled down her cheeks. Somehow this seemed so much scarier.

"Could I talk to Abigail alone for a minute please?" My mother asked. Nodding her head, Georgina left the room without a word. The moment she was out the door i heard her crying again. Huge loud sobs that broke my heart to hear.

My mother turned around to face me and started talking very quickly and urgently "Listen Abigail, What happened to me was no accident. It was all planned out." she said her eyes filled with panic, "They'll be back Abigail, back for you and your sisters, run away, forever", her eyes softened and she looked at me with a smile. 

"Stay safe love, I love you and your sisters so much, more than you will ever know".

And thats when the alarm went off.

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