Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

3 months later

"Goodmorning, and what can I get for you?" I said, plastering on a huge fake smile.

"Two cappucino's please," replied a couple in their 20's.

"Certainly," I said with another massive, but completely meaningless grin.

I had been working as a barista for 2 month's now...and I hated it.

Everyday was exactly the same.

Everyday I wore the same messy bun, (and no, not a gorgeously tumblr messy bun, I mean a real messy bun that made me look homeless) with oversized jumpers and leggings. I also wore a large pair of glasses and never bothered with makeup. I had long since stopped caring about my appearance.

Everyday, I woke up early, cleaned the house, made breakfast and got Lucy and Georgina to school. Then, I worked all day at the local coffee store, finishing at around six. I then came home, helped out with homework, cleaned the house, made dinner, did the washing, ironing, hovering...and every night I collapsed into bed, absolutely exhausted.

I envied other girls my age, who were thinking about universities at the moment.

Ever since I was a child, I had dreamed about going to university. I had always wanted to go and I had quite honestly loved  School. Why?

I loved to learn.

I loved the satisfaction of finally figuring something out. Whether it was maths, Biology or Physics, I always loved finally solving the problem and having the answers. I had dreams of being a scientist and  discovering new things, finding out more answers.

And somehow, working in a coffee shop just felt so unfulfilling for me.

However, as much as I dreamed of going to university, I knew deep down that it simply wasn't an option. Unless I wanted Georgina and Lucy to end up in care homes, I was going to have to accept my life as a barista. 

Anyways, not only did I not have anywhere near enough money, but I simply didn't have time. I needed to be working almost full time as it was to afford anything and I also knew that soon, even that wouldn't be enough.

I closed my eyes and tried not to think of the bills that would come rolling in the next few days. There was so much more I needed to buy too, Lucy needed a new coat, Georgina needed shoes, we needed a new toaster... 

My shaking hands caused me to drop the plate I was cleaning. It smashed to the floor, causing little pieces to fly in every direction. I looked down at the broken shards.

"That about sum's up my life," I muttered disdainfully under my breath.

I got down on my hands and knees and began to pick up the pieces, still thinking about all the things I couldn't afford.

"Ouch!" I yelped, as I realised I had cut my finger. It didn't really hurt, but I felt a tear trickle down my cheek, followed by another, and another.

"Need a hand?"

I turned around to see the person who was behind me.

She was tall, slender and very pretty.

She had long blonde curls, big blue eyes and a flawless complexion. She was also wearing a stylish pink blouse with a black miniskirt and her long, lean legs were further elongated by her black heels.

I suddenly felt very pathetic, sitting crying on the floor, surrounded by broken pottery.

"Um, yeah that would be great, thanks," I said, hastily wiping away another tear.

She smiled, showing off her perfectly straight, white teeth.

"Maybe a brush would be a better idea," She said with a chuckle.

I felt my face redden. Why hadn't I used a brush?

She must think I'm a complete idiot.

"Oh, I'm Katie by the way, the new employee".

I cringed. Now I felt even more stupid. I had been working here for three months and yet I was getting help from someone who had been working here for a few minutes.

I suddenly became aware that I hadn't responded. Every second that went by I was making a bigger fool of myself.

"I'm Abigail, and I work here too".

Of course I work here, why did I say that? Can't I have just one conversation without looking like an idiot.

She grinned again.

"Cool," she said, examining her perfectly manicured nails.

I suddenly felt very conscious of my messy hair and baggy green jumper.

"Uh,  I was wondering, could you maybe help me out a bit, I'm not really sure how to work anything here, she said apologetically.

I smiled, glad that I would finally be of some use.

"Sure, it's the least I can do after you helped me out back there".

"Oh, that was nothing," she said, again giving me another smile.

Within a few minutes I had taught her everything she needed to know. Of course, she had smiled and laughed her way through the whole lesson.

I was a little taken back by how smiley this girl was. I knew it was her first day and stuff but seriously? I guess I could do with someone positive in my life though. Or anyone at all really. I hardly saw Ally nowadays, she was always too busy working. 

Ever since the incident, I was very conscious of how moody I had been. Perhaps someone like Katie was exactly the influence I needed.

Katie and I talked together nearly all day and it felt like we had been friends forever. It was really nice having a friend at work. All the other staff had mostly ignored me. I was honestly still a little baffled that a girl like her would want to hang out with someone like me. She looked like a model, yet most days I look like a deranged homeless man.

The fact that I had barely been sleeping at all didn't exactly help my  dwindling appearance either. Most nights I lay awake, trying to figure out what happened to my mother. 

At least I hadn't gotten any more threatening messages...not that that was a particular comfort.

The police had been useless. They had found nothing in the past three months. They had barely tried. They released the basic story. My mother had been found dead, in an abandoned shed. I had known that already though.

The only difference now was that everyone knew. 

Of course, they got photos of me and my sisters and plastered them all over magazines. Everywhere I went I would hear people whispering, and looking at me like I was some kinda lost puppy.

I was shocked that Katie hadn't recognised me. 

It felt great having a whole day, where I was treated like a normal person rather than "The daughter of that murdered woman".

Katie didn't know who I was.

And I planned to keep it that way...

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