Chapter 4

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Hi guys, sorry I haven't updated in so long, I have just been so busy with exams, my never ending supply of homeworks, my piano exam, Dance competitons, my GCSE art core portfolio etc. Anyways, to make up for not updating in so long I have written an EXTRA long chapter and I PROMISE I will upload the next chapter soon. Thanks so much for reading and remember, I will follow anyone who votes my story, hope you enjoy xx

Picture of Georgina at the side ------>

Chapter 4

I have never actually been to a funeral.

In a weird, kinda way, I have always wanted to go to one. Not because I want anyone to die. God forbid, but because I must be the only seventeen year old in the world who hasn't been to one, and I wanted to, you know, experience it.

That old saying 'be careful what you wish for', has surely never been so ironic.

I sat at the very front of the church, twirling a loose strand of my curly brown hair around my finger as I listened to the minister prattling on about 'Karen McCarthy being a wonderful inspiration to everyone'.

It made me want to throw up.

My Mother wasn't the dull, lifeless, ordinary woman this guy was making her out to be. No, she was passionate and lively, fiesty, funny and the most loyal, loving mother any girl could wish for.

I closed my eyes and took deep breaths to try to calm myself down.

The minister finally stopped talking and I went up to the front to give my eulogy.

I looked at the mourning audience shakingly and, finding Ally's sympathetic face in the crowd, I felt the tiniest bit more confident.

"My mother Karen McCarthy was a wonderful woman, with the biggest smile imaginable, the loveliest laugh in the world and the biggest heart in human history", I said shakily.

"She was always there for me, through the good and the bad-"

I felt my voice start to crack and I looked up at the audience, most of whom I had never seen before in my life. They were all staring at me, most looking quite concerned.

I suddenly caught my sisters eye. She was sitting alone in the row, her hair done perfectly, her makeup done beautifully..but her eyes told another story.

She was looking up at me almost in awe, in admiration...and I knew I couldn't let her down.

I took a deep breath and tried to imagine my mother's encouraging smile.

"And I knew that she would always have my back", I continued.

I stumbled through the rest of my speech and shakily sat back down beside my sister, my heart in my mouth.

I noticed Ally subtly slide out of her row as she came up to sit beside me.

"That was amazing", she whispered softly, putting her arm around me.

I shook my head dubiously,

"Not really," I muttered.

I was about to say something else but Georgina grabbed my arm and averted my attention to the front.

"Oh no," I grimaced.

"Whats wrong?" asked Ally, looking concerned.

She followed my gaze up to the front and looked at me in horror.

"Is that your Grandma?" she asked sounding shocked.

I nodded grimly, I didn't need to say anything else;  Ally knew the whole story.

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