Chapter 3

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Picture of Lucy to the side (isn't she ADORABLE) :) ---------->

Chapter 3

Pain. Thats all I feel.

Soon the anger will kick in, that undenying hatred for the murderer and that need for revenge but I can't feel anything yet. I stumble around the place like a zombie. I don't eat. I don't sleep. I don't do anything.

I know I need to pull through, I need start taking responsilbility. For my sisters, I mean, all they've eaten for the past two days is cereal. We need food in the house but I can't bring myself to get any.

I'm all Georgina and Lucy have and I need to get my act together.

Lucy, sweet innocent little Lucy is having to watch her whole life fall to pieces around her.

Telling Lucy what had happened had been agonizing. She had been taken out of school by my mother's best friend and I tried to think of a way to break the news to her.

But how do you tell a child their mother is dead?

She had come out of school so happy too, her face in her usual cheery grin as she skipped down the path, her soft blonde pigtails blowing gently in the breeze.

'Ignorance is bliss',  they say.

I had sat Lucy down in the living room and had asked my best friend Ally to help me break the news to her.

Ally and I had met when we were 4 and we have literally been inseperable since then.

Mind you, she practically was part of our family. She didn't really get on with any of her own family and practically lived at our place. Mom hadn't minded, in fact, she had adored Ally and welcomed her every day with her famous smile.

Come to think of it though, Mom would have welcomed anyone into our house. That's just the type of person she is - or was.

"Lucy", I had said gently, "there's something I need to tell you. Something very bad has happened".

At that Lucys face fell into a frown and her lower lip began to tremble.

"Its Mum", I said thickly, trying hard not to cry again. I couldn't make Lucy any more upset than she needed to be 

"She-She... She's", I said, gasping for air.

Ally sensed I was having difficulty and stepped in. "She's not with us anymore", she said sorrowfully, stroking Lucy's hair comfortingly.

Lucy looked very perplexed, "What do you mean?", she had asked nervously, chewing her bottom lip. Mum used to do that too when she was nervous.

"She passed away", I said softly. It sounded so strange saying it out loud. It felt so much more real, So much more scary.

"What does 'passed away' mean?", Lucy asked rather loudly, I was completely taken back by her bluntless, and couldn't bring myself to answer.

"Well", began Ally  

"Its a bit like going to sleep", she had said reassuringly."Only for a bit longer". She looked at me to see if she had explained it okay. I tried to smile and I nodded. I don't where I would be without Al.

Lucy took a minute to think about this, tilting her head to the side in a confused manner. Then she nodded as if she understood.

"Ok, well when she wakes up can you give her this?", she had said, handing me a picture she had drawn of our family, standing outside our house. She had drawn it so carefully too, with a bright yellow sun above our heads and we all had these huge, droopy, red crayon smiles taking up our whole faces.

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