chapter one

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I COULDN'T TELL you what day it was.

I have just woken up from my older brother Joey throwing pillows in my face. I was known to be a bit of a sleeper so I didn't immediately attack Joey for the assault.

I couldn't be late today.

It was my first day at Tommen as I got expelled for assaulting students. I didn't care as I get to be with my younger sister Shannon who deserved all the protection.

I have always been her protector, ever since I was ten and I pushed a boy for touching my nine year old sister. I have always been hot headed and it was one of my best and worst traits.

I quickly changed into the uniform that represented the school I was now attending. I brushed my hair facing the half broken mirror that hangs on the back of my door. My legs and arms were scattered with tattoos that I inflicted on myself. It was a way for me to hide the scars on the outside.

I was an artist of sorts and loved the pain that came from getting a new tattoo that represented me. I traced the new tattoo that I got yesterday. A heart with the word survivor was etched on my arm and I smiled at it.

My body wasn't curvy by any means which might have come from the lack of food I ate but it wasn't intentional. We were just poor.

I heard a door open from outside my bedroom and I knew it was Shannon from the small footsteps. She had it rough with the bullying that she went through at our old school.

I tried to protect her but I wasn't always there and it pissed me off when I saw her lose a bit of herself she entered that hell. She was the better sister and I wasn't ashamed in admitting it at all.

I hoped that Tommen would bring out the Shannon I loved and missed. Her best friends were going to be there and I knew she was looking forward to it.

Claire Biggs and Lizzie Young were two blondes who made Shannon laugh and be herself and I was thankful for them. Claire was full of sunshine and she made me laugh at times.

Lizzie was more introverted but she could bite when she needed to. They were exactly what Shannon needed.

Me on the other hand?

There was only one girl that I kept close to my heart and that was Charlotte Lancaster. We met when we were only in primary school and stayed best friends. But when she left us for Tommen and I moved to BCS, I couldn't try and keep in touch and we drifted apart.

It was probably my fault as I started to smoke and drink which was the only thing that kept me sane in this house. My father liked to use me as his personal punching bag. It usually started because I couldn't keep my mouth shut.

But I didn't care because I will leave this place like Darren did. My older brother left and never looked back and I did hate him a bit as he didn't even try and get us. I would take my younger siblings as they meant the world to me.

My mother was too weak for her own good and probably wouldn't stop me. She was pregnant again and I already felt bad for the smallest Lynch who didn't know what family they were being born into.

I finally left my bedroom and saw Joey banging onto the bathroom door. "Shan!" He yelled. "Hurry up, will ya! I'm bursting for a piss."

I laughed at the obvious annoyance on my older brother's face. Joey and I were not close by any means as he was closer with Shannon which I didn't mind as it made sense. They understood each other more.

"You alright, Terror?" Joey asked to survey me in my uniform. The nickname 'Terror' came when at the age of thirteen I punched my first boy in the face because he tried to lift my skirt up to see my knickers.

Joey was surprised when he heard about what he did and he gave me the nickname 'Terror', all my siblings called me that and I liked the nickname.

"I'm good." I nodded, taking my turn banging onto the door. "Hurry up, Ninnie!" I yelled.

"Coming!" A reply came back. I felt Joey's eyes on me and I turned to him, raising my brow in question. "Is your skirt a bit high?" He squinted at my skirt.

"It's not." I shot down daring him to argue with me. He rolled his eyes but he looked over me once more and leaned in. "Be careful today." He softly spoke.

My heart melted a bit at the concern in my brother's voice. Even though he was only one year older than me, Joey acted like my father and brother all in one sometimes. "I always am." I smirked.

He chuckled softly and the bathroom door opened showing Shannon's beautiful face. "You look sexy, sis." I grinned, bumping my hip against hers.

"You look lovely." Joey smiled at our younger sister. Shannon smiled at us both before the smile slipped and only worry was shown on her face.

"Do you think it'll be okay?" She asked in a soft voice. Her blue eyes widened in worry and I glanced at Joey who looked down.

"Do you think I'll fit in?" She asked again. I cleared my throat and I placed an arm around her bony shoulders. "You will shine in Tommen, Nin." I whispered.

The rest of the family was asleep as it was 6:15 in the morning as Tommen started at 9:05 am but we needed to get a bus. "I'm so fucking proud of you, Shan." Joey said with his voice thick with emotion. I blinked back tears as I smiled at my little sister who I loved more than life.

"Let me get something." Joey rushed into his room and I let go of Shannon leaning against the wall. "I will be with you every step of the way." I promised her, my eyes burning with passion.

Shannon looked down as she cleared her throat. I knew she felt guilty for pulling me down with her as she said but I didn't mind as my old school was getting boring with all the haters.

"Don't feel guilty." I stated firmly. Her head shot up and she grinned at me as I realised what she was thinking. "I love you, Terror." She mumbled.

"I love you too Nin."

Joey rushed back in with a couple of €5 notes in his hand. I shook my head quickly, folding my arms. "No."

"Joey, no!" Shannon added. "Take the money." He said. "You guys might need it."

He pulled us both in a hug that was fiercely recuperated by Shannon and I. They were the only ones I would hug like this and physical love wasn't my thing. "I love you." He spoke.

"I love you too." Shannon whispered into his shoulder. "I love you." I repeated. I let him go and grabbed my bag quickly walking towards the door.

"She is such a softie." Joey smiled. I heard the laughter in his voice and sent him a middle finger as I waited for Shannon outside.

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