chapter two

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I GRACEFULLY walked off the bus with Shannon in tow. The doors of Tommen were open and I let out a small relief as it started to pour painfully but I savoured the rain that cascaded down my face.

"Isa!" A yell came from my younger sister who was safely inside the school. I groaned running to join as she tried to dry me off with her small hands.

"You're going to get sick." She stated with a worried tone as she stared at the water dripping down. "I'll be fine. I will try and get myself dry somewhere." I rolled my eyes at her constant worrying. Sometimes she acted like the older sister in this relationship.

Shannon gazed over at the school and I did the same in awe on how regal the place fucking looked. There were different rooms that were double the size of my bedroom and I let out a shaky laugh shocked on how I found myself here.

I glanced at Shannon wondering what she was thinking when I saw an emotion I knew quite well show up on her face. Surprise.

She was surprised that no one tried to bully her straight away or taunt her and I know it meant a great deal to her. "This is gonna be our year, Nin." I grinned at her. Shannon smiled back and we continued walking in.

We walked into various rooms trying to find where we could get our timetables. Many people stared at me and it was probably the way I looked.

Even with my uniform, I had this certain darkness around me that I couldn't name.

My pitch black hair and piercings on my nose and ears. I was a stark contrast to my little sister who was pure and beautiful. That wasn't what i was.

Quite the opposite.

A scream takes me out of my state and I see a blur of blonde hair embrace us almost knocking us off our feet. I knew exactly who was squealing in our arms and I tried to leave the monster hug.

"Hey, Claire." I smile as she lets go of us. I pat her gently and thats all she needed for her to give me her bright smile that made you want to smile. "Hey, Isa!" She laughs.

I shook my head in fondness and looked around and saw a red headed girl smiling at me leaning against a wall. My mouth lifted up in a grin and I ran towards her.

She ran as well and we met in the middle embracing each other tightly not wanting to let go. I smelt the familiar scent of cherries coming from hair and I felt tears build up behind my eyes.

"Char.." I breathed out hugging her tightly. "I missed you, Isa." She replied pulling back a little.

Charlotte Lancaster was my childhood best friend who tried to save me from myself. It didn't work and I fell down a dark hole and distanced myself from her.

Charlotte was a beautiful girl with green eyes and hair that matched the colour of cherry. When she left, Char tried to help me and I loved her so much for that.

"I missed you too, Char." I grinned seeing the same tears in her eyes. "You can never try and leave again." Charlotte threatened pointing a finger at me.

"I will never again." I shook my head seriously. We stared at each other in silence before I felt a laugh building up in my throat. One look in her amused eyes and I let out a laugh with her shortly following.

I turned around and saw Shannon and Claire still speaking. I could see that Shannon was grateful for Claire and her sunshine attitude.

"Is she getting better?" The red headed girl beside me asked following my gaze to my sister. "I hope so. It will be different this time."

"I know it will be. You're a great sister, Isa." Char promised knowing me so well. "Thank you." I whispered.

"Well, let's go and get to classes." Charlotte implored tugging me towards the younger girls so we could all get to our classes.


I didn't expect my day at Tommen to go this well. Charlotte and I clicked instantly like we were never apart. I apolgised for how I acted but she just waved me off with her good nature understanding why I did it.

I met up with Shannon to check up in her since we didn't have a lot of classes together due to me being a year older. She seemed happier and babbled on about Claire's friends who were very accepting.

My heart swelled at that knowing how difficult she found it to make friends contrary to me. Many students were staring at me and sharing whispers in class which I understood.

I had a certain look about me that screamed trouble and danger. Not many approached me thinking I was going to be rude or scary but they should never judge a book by cover.

I was usually nice and kind to people as words can hurt and I would know from personal experience. Charlotte looked like a stark contrast from me with her good girl attitude and the books that were held tightly against her chest.

I had a book bag on my shoulder that was tattered and looking like it was about to break off. It suited me so I didn't really mind.

Charlotte was in her lesson and I was looking for the art class that was supposed to be in the main building. Tommen college was massive and it was going to take me a long while for me to navigate this school.

I was looking down while my eyes scourged over the map in distress. I didn't see the massive body coming my way.

I felt like I was hitting a massive wall and hands reached out and steadied me by the waist before I fell flat on the floor. "Ouch." I groaned looking up.

"Watch where you are going." A voice seethed from above me. I leaned back and my eyes fell on a green eyed boy who sending me a glare. My brain caught up to what his words said and I sent him a menacing look back.

"Maybe if you looked around your surroundings, giant. We wouldn't have clashed." I hissed grabbing my book bag from the floor.

He rolled his eyes and gave me an unimpressed look, "Giant? Really?"

"What would you prefer? Ogre?" I replied giving him a smirk. "From the way you are handling yourself, you give me more of the ogre vibe." He snorted. His eyes followed down my body and then back to my face as if he was trying to prove a point.

I gave him a disgusted look and jabbed a finger into his chest, "This ogre can also pack a rather big punch." I smiled coldly.

He raised his brow and took my finger between his and placed it down. "I don't have time for bleeding hooligans like you." His eyes glared at me before shouldering past and storming down the hallway.

I could see that the boys in this school were as ill mannered as my old one.

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