chapter four

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I HAD just spent an hour listening to my twin brother Lucas prattle on about this blue eyed beauty he met when he accidentally hit her on the track.

Shannon Lynch already had my brother wrapped around her fingers and I haven't had the chance to meet her yet. I barely listened and our best friend Gerard Gibson - Gibsie for short - was asking all the questions for me.

I was walking to my car as it was finally the end of the school day and I could walk around in my pants and let my junk be free. This injury wasprobably the worst thing that could ever happen to me.

I just needed some time so that it can heal and I can finally wank again. I opened my car and jumped in placing my phone in the glovebox.

I started the car up and I looked up to make sure that the pathway is clear. My phone dinged and I started to move the car forward while grabbing my phone. A yell made my head shot up and I saw a girl with her arms foward.

I stopped the brakes quickly and my face paled hoping she wasn't hurt. I hopped out of the car and I winced at the mencing glare that she was giving me from a mile away.

She stormed towards me and pushed me, "What is wrong with you? Why are you everywhere?" She yelled. My jaw slightly hanged open at the beautiful girl that was shouting in my face.

Her eyes were sky blue and there were tints of green that shined every time she moved her head. My eyes traced over her face and zeroed in on her lips which was plump and fixed into a cupid's bow.

There is a small scar that is visible on her top lip and I gulped wanting to lick it and feel it on my tongue. My cock started to harden underneath my trousers and I winced trying to shake it off.

I closed my eyes and imagined my grandma and my cock immediately withered and died. I screwed up my face in digust and opened my eyes to see the angel look at me in disbelief.

"Are you ill?" She asked waving her hands. I shook my head, "Sorry-sorry for almost hitting you." I apolgised wringing my hands.

She raised one perfect brow, "Right. You're not Lucas, are you?" She scoffed. My face contorted in confusion, "No, I'm not."

"How do you know my twin brother?" I asked cocking my head to the side. "He called me and ogre and hit my sister on the head with a rugby ball." She dryly stated.

"Your sister is Shannon?!" I questioned incredulously. From the way Lucas described Shannon's sister, he acted like she was a demon from hell.

But to me she looked like a beautiful angel from the heavens. "Yeah she is." She shrugged. I nodded and I watched as she took some hair out of her face. My eyes focused on the intricate designs she had in her arms and one of her hands.

The tattoos were beautifully placed and I looked back at her to watch as she picked up her bag getting ready to leave. I didn't want this girl to leave again so I stepped forward quickly.

"I'm Johnny." I blurted out, my hand reaching over to hers. "Isabelle." She smiled. My heart stopped at the sight of her lips being pulled back into a sweet smile.

I smiled back and placed my hand in her delicate ones. Warmth radiated from her hand into mine and I gave it a tight squeeze before letting go.

"I need to go but it was nice to meet you." Isabelle nodded giving me a small wave. I saw the awkward look that was planted on her face and I gave her a massive grin.

"I'll see you soon, angel."

𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝟏𝟑 - 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now