chapter five

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JOHNNY KAVANAGH has been on my mind for the past week. I couldn't get his crystal, green eyes or his beautiful smirk that made me want to kiss it endlessly.

It made me hate him.

A lot.

A month has passed since I last spoke to him and the only type of communication that I had with him was a glance in the hallways.

I spent everyday with Charlotte and Shannon with her little friends. It was something that I was starting to love. It made the house a little bit more bearable.

I heard many rumours about Johnny Kavanagh and it made me wonder who he truly was. Some called him a cocky asshole with a superior complex while others said that he was an amazing player with big dreams.

But i felt like the boy was hiding so much more and I wanted to find out. I don't why i couldn't get him out of my head. It might have been that massive golden retriever smile he sent my way or the way his eyes sparkled as he called.

But the one thing that made my heart flutter and beat out of my chest was that name he called me.


I wasn't supposed to be called that. It wasn't what people assumed of me but the fact that he took one look at my raven hair and tattoos and believed that angel was the right name for me meant more to me than he might ever know.

I asked around about him and Charlotte told me that he has been banging around with Bella Wilkinson who was a couple years older than us.

I saw the girl around school and she held a certain aura that made me instantly dislike her. My sister Shannon was equally obssessed with Johnny's brother 'the giant' but we both knew we weren't made for boys like them.

I was loud and brash with no filter which made boys run in the other direction. My first boyfriend had the misfortune of cheating on me when we were fifteen which ended up in me breaking his father's car.

It was for the best that I admired from afar and hoped that I would get over this stupid weird thing I had for Johnny Kavanagh.

Yes. It was for the best.


"Do you want to come over and watch movies?" Charlotte asked during the break on Wednesday. I bit my lip in thought not knowing if it was safe to not be at home.

I heard Claire ask Shannon the same question which made me glance over at her. Her blue eyes were already on mine and I could see the question in them.

"Let me ask." I stated pulling out my small phone. Charlotte nodded and started chattering about the different movies we could watch.

I kept my eyes fixated on my phone as I waited a reply from Joey.

Bad idea. He's on a warpath.

I sighed loudly and showed the phone to Shannon who frowned. Charlotte and Claire shared a glance and I knew that glance was filled with worry and concern.

But the thing that made me love them a little more was that they didn't say a word.

"Next time." Char shrugged with a smile. Claire nodded in agreement. A shadow overtook the table and I saw a blonde boy who is always with Johnny stand behind Claire.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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