Chapter 1

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Miya's POV

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Miya's POV

I was startled awake by my blasing alarm. I turned over in my bed with the intention of snoozing it about 7 times in a row like i normally do until I'm forced out of my bed by my mum. Only to look at the time. 8:10. Shit! I'm going to be late yet again. My first day back after my suspension and i still can't even get out of bed on time. I quickly scrambled out of the comfort of my bed towards my dressing table. I rushed doing my makeup and my hair put on my uniform without forgetting to roll my skirt up my arse. Come on now i don't want to look like a nun. I didn't have time for breakfast so i flung my handbag over my shoulder, slipped on my air forces and sped out the door locking it behind me.

I check the time again. 8:45. Here with five minutes to spare how i managed that is beyond me. I look around to spot my mates.

"Miya you're back!"

Elle Vickers my ride or die. We met at a gymnastics class when we were 2 and have been inseparable since. Elle continued with gymnastics ever since, however i was kicked out shortly after we met for pushing a girl off the vault. In my defense, i was waiting in the queue and this girl barged to the front to go first so she got what was coming to her.

"Yeah I am! Couldn't get rid of me that easily."

"Don't understand how you haven't been kicked out yet."

And Luca Hunter my other no. 1. I met Luca at my first ever football session. He was the only one that passed to me as the others claimed there was no way i was any good as i was only a girl. Me and Elle are certain that he is gay yet he still continues to deny it.

We walk through the gates together and i'm already faced with the people i hate the most.

"Tell you what i enjoyed my week not seeing any of these people"

"Looking at their faces just annoys me" Luca stated.

First class of the day was english my least favourite. It's so pointless when am i ever going to be asked to analyse a poem in the future. To add to that the teacher, Mrs Wilson, does everything to get on my nerves.

"Miya! Lovely to see that your back but let's sort that uniform out shall we?" Mrs Wilson said.

"There's nothing wrong with it miss?"

"Lets not start with arguing Miya. Roll down your skirt it's a ridiculous length. Take out your piercings, remember only one stud in each ear and do your top button up whilst your at it. Also where are your school shoes?"

"They broke miss, sole came off and everything." I stated rather dryly whilst 'fixing' my uniform.

"Right well go get settled i'm sure you remember where your sat it hasn't been that long."

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