Chapter 4

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Miyas POV

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Miyas POV

I slowly arose from my sleep. The excitement of trialling for Arsenal today made me shoot up from my bed. I rushed round getting myself ready, making sure my hair was fully slicked back. I ran down the stairs and was met with Leah eating a piece of toast.

"I'll be ready in a minute bubs."

Leah swiftly finished getting ready and we left for London Colney. We shared a casual conversation about the trial in the car, Leah informed me that the rest of the U16 team would be there as well. Once we had arrived Leah directed me towards the training pitches.

"Hi Sandy, I've got Miya here for her trial."

"Hi Leah, yes Miya if you just want to come with me"

I turned round to say bye to Leah, she embraced me in a hug and gave me a quick kiss to my forehead.

"Good luck MiMi."

I followed behind Sandy as the nerves and excitement started to kick in. I'd done trials before yet this one felt so major as i started a new chapter in my life.

"Right Miya, those girls are the U16 team." Sandy stated as she signalled across the pitches. "If you go join in the warm up they should all be very welcoming."

I smiled in returned and slowly walked across the pitches and managed to join in the end of the warm up. The first part of the trial was a dribbling drill, where i had to navigate through cones with precision and speed. With each touch of the ball, I felt more confident and in control. Sandy clearly noticed my skillful footwork and sent me an encouraging smile. Next, it was time for a passing exercise. I showcased my accuracy and vision, making precise passes to my teammates. I felt the rhythm of the game flowing through my veins, and my passion for football shone brightly. The final test was a small-sided match, where I had the chance to demonstrate my teamwork and tactical understanding. I communicated with my teammates, made strategic runs, and showcased my ability to create scoring opportunities. Every sprint, every tackle, and every shot was a testament to my dedication and love for the game.

Once the training session was over the girls started talking amongst themselves whilst the coaches were talking. I felt a bit lost and stood to the side awkwardly.

"Hey! Its Miya right?" A two girls approached me. "I'm Ruby. This is Ava. You were so good today they would be stupid to not let you in."

"Thanks! Yeah its Miya. I'm so nervous about their decision."

Sandy called me and the rest of the team into a circle to evaluate the training session. I gathered that they were top of the league and had West Ham in their next game on Saturday. She then dismissed us.

"Miya!" She called me back over. "I was honestly so impressed with your football skills, i've never seen anyone so talented at your age. It would be a pleasure to have you in our team."

"Thank you so much! I won't let you down." I rushed out excitedly.

Sandy just laughed slightly "You fitting in already" She pointed behind me.

I turned and saw Ruby and Ava waiting for me smiling eagerly.

"Ruby! Ava! I got in!" I ran towards them and embraced them in a hug.

"Yes Miya! I knew you would!" Ava said eagerly.

We walked towards the changing rooms to gather our stuff.

"Girls!" Ruby caught the attention of the team. "This is our new teammate Miya. She only recently moved to the area so I think we need to host a party to welcome her. Is everyone free after our game against West Ham on Saturday I can throw it at mine?" Murmurs of Yes's could be heard across the room. "Jolly good Saturday it is then."

I quickly finished getting changed and ran out to find Leah and tell her the news. I bumped into someone as I was running. I looked up to be met with the eyes of one my favourites out of Leah's teammates.

"Wally!" I embraced her in a quick hug which she reciprocated. "Do you know where Leah is?"

"Hey kiddo, Leah's just in the canteen."

"Thanks Lia!" I ran towards the canteen, burst through the doors and ran up to Leah.

"Leah! Leah! I got in!" My sister's eyes widen with excitement as she realises how big of a deal this is for my footballing career. She stands up and gives me a hug.

"Oh bubs! I'm so so proud of you never forget that." I can see the pride in her eyes, knowing that i am going to achieve great things in football. I sit her back down and start to tell her every little detail, from the nerve-wracking trial to the moment Sandy held me back. She then gets up to get me some food and places it in front of me. As I eat i start telling Beth and Alessia all about my trial.

 As I eat i start telling Beth and Alessia all about my trial

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Me and Leah got in the car ready to go home. I decided to bring up the party unsure of how Leah would react.


"Yes bubs."

"Um, the girls y'know at arsenal, were like...y'know planning to like... throw some sort of welcoming party for me and i was wondering if i could go as y'know they are throwing it for me and stuff." I rushed out the end bit as quickly as possible.

"Yes you can go Miya, but no alcohol at all or any stupid behaviour or your not going to a party again understood.

Grateful that she was letting me go i swiftly agreed with her rules yet not sure whether i was going to follow them or not

Authors Note!

Hi lovelies! I'm so so sorry i haven't uploaded in a bit i have been overwhelmed with school and just haven't had any time so i'm so sorry for that! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Hopefully there's no mistakes as it hasn't been proof read. As always leave any suggestions below. Hope your having a lovely day.

Bye for now.

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