Chapter 2

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Miyas POV

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Miyas POV

"oh" was all i replied. I was unsure how to feel on one hand i loved my sister so much, she's always been been my no. 1 supporter in everything yet on the other hand i'm so sick of just being known as 'Leah Williamsons sister' and moving in with her will only increase being known by this. My mum coming back out the double doors of the meeting room swiftly followed by Mr Flint interrupted my train of thought. There were visible tear smudges in my mums makeup. I observed as she gently nodded at Leah.

"Come here bubs" My mum said gently whilst opening her arms out for a hug. I slowly reciprocated the hug. "You go home with Leah to collect your stuff i'll visit on weekends i promise" She softly placed kisses on my head.

I still had a mix of emotions. I loved my mum a lot but i couldn't help but think she was just passing me on to Leah having had enough of parenting.

"Let's go Miya."

Leah's stern voice starkly contrasted with my mums gentle one.

The car ride back home was silent. I knew my sister was angry but i thought she'd at least appreciate that moving away from home was hard and show some sympathy.

We pulled up on the drive of my house

"Here's the key Mi, be quick yeah? I don't want to get caught up in rush hour traffic."

I was stunned at the lack of compassion from Leah. I swiftly unlocked the door and ran up to my room. I packed my bags. Trying to keep the tears at bay with occasional sniffles. I buried my vapes and half drank vodka bottle at the bottom of the bag. Obviously i knew that i shouldn't do things like that as i want to be a footballer but i just need a release from time to time.

I ran down stairs and slipped my air forces back on and ran out the door.

I was quite relieved that my dad and Jacob weren't here. Soppy goodbyes were my least favourite thing. I entered the car, put in one airpod and turned on my heated seat but Leah didn't start driving.

"Look bubs, i know this is hard for you i get it but it's your actions that have landed us in this situation and i can't help but only feel a tad bit sorry for you. Sometimes your just so reckless an-"

"Yeah, thanks Leah i get the idea"

"I love you MiMi, remember that"

I just replied with a simple "mhm" and turned to look out the window and quickly sent a message to my football group chat.

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