Chapter 5

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Miyas POV

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Miyas POV

Today was the first day at my new school and to say i was nervous was an understatement. Despite being kicked out of multiple schools and consequently starting many new ones i still hated the feeling of walking into a place where i knew no one and nobody new me. Some people may find a 'fresh start' relieving but i hate it. Starting fresh was definitely not for me and I don't think it will ever be. I enjoyed my life living with my family even if my sister was a thirty minute drive away. I still saw her regularly but now i'm living with her, in a new town, a new school and new people. I understand that it's my fault that i'm in this position but i can't help but hate it. I love my sister but that doesn't mean I want to live with her permanently. It doesn't even feel like my mum can be bothered to make the effort to come see me and the only time she probably will is for one of Leah's games. I've always loved the family i'm in and I always will, yet i can't help but feel i'm in the shadow of my siblings. My sisters a professional footballer for her childhood club and my brother is good at everything he tries and i'm stuck constantly getting in trouble. Throughout my life i've always been known as 'Leah's sister' and i'm so sick of it. Sometimes i wish that i was born in an 'ordinary' family where everyone has 9-5 jobs and I felt like i could control my behaviour.

Ever since i've been little i've always had behavioural issues. My mum has been to many parenting classes with me yet nothing worked. Leah has always suggested the idea that I may have ADHD or anger issues but my mum has always strongly denied it and sometimes not even let Leah explain her reasonings. I've always wondered if Leah's right and there is something wrong with me and i guess i've always wanted a chance to get a diagnosis if there was. I'm not sure why, maybe i'm eager for an explanation as to why sometimes i can't control myself or at least give me some sort of relief that there's a reason for my behaviour. 

I was awoken from my thoughts as Leah pulled up outside the school. I made no movement to get out the car in an attempt to prevent the inevitable.

"Come on bubs, you need to go now or you'll be late." Leah's voice echoed from the side of me but I couldn't muster any words to reply with.  For years i've covered up my constant panic attacks and the severe anxiety i face in any new situation in fear that people would think i'm weird or needed help. The thought of opening up and receiving help for anything terrifies me. Being completely vulnerable to someone is something i've struggled with since a child and it just got worse as i grew up. I've never been able to fully trust anyone and I've never known why. The only reason i can possibly think of is my parents divorce but loads of people go through that and they don't end up like me. Despite that incident people would say that i've had a perfect childhood and i'm not denying that. Because of this i've never felt valid within my anxiety and mental health battles.

"Yeah I'll go now, bye Le love you." I manage to choke out trying to avoid the oncoming flurry of tears brimming in my eyes. I quickly gathered my stuff and opened the car door

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