Chapter 3

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Miyas POV

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Miyas POV

I slowly woke up to the sun blaring through my window. Leah must of carried me to bed when i fell asleep. I tossed and turned trying to get back to sleep as it was only 9:15 but i wasn't successful and eventually pulled myself out of my bed. I chucked on my fluffy dressing gown and trooped downstairs slowly. The smell of scrambled eggs engulfed my nostrils as i entered the kitchen. Leah stood over the stove with her back turned to me. I dragged myself over to the bar stools and slumped onto one.

"Morning bubs. Did you sleep okay? I'm making us scrambled eggs before we go for the meeting with your new school. They sent me an email about some slow integration thing to make your move go as smooth as possible. I've also asked mum for your old school reports as the headteacher said they might be useful to understand your behaviour better."

I started to feel extremely overwhelmed by the new life that had been forced upon me. I suddenly wished to go home to the comfort of my old town and school. As much as i hated it, it was the only school that i'd felt comfortable in and that had at least attempted to build a relationship with me and understand my brain. Throughout my life, i've always believed there's something not right with the way my mind works. The way i explode at the smallest things, my constant need to be doing something and my mind not being at rest if i'm sat still, constant sleeping problems and having panic attacks. I never mentioned anything to anyone in fear they'd not believe me or assume i'm being stupid. The only thing that grounds me is football, i was always able to release my emotions on the pitch (and occasionally with alcohol).

"Yeah sounds good" I replied once Leah had dished out the scrambled eggs. I slowly moved my food around with my fork.

"You not hungry bubs?"

"Lost my appetite." I pushed back my chair and went back to my room. I closed my door and slowly slid down it finally releasing the tears that were brewing in my eyes. I fumbled around desperately trying to find my vape. I took a few puffs in hope that it'll give me some sort of release.

"Miya! You okay up there, we need to leave in half an hour!" I heard Leah's voice shout from the bottom of the stairs.
"Yeah fine! Don't worry i'll be down in 20!" I shouted back.

I scrambled around to find my clothes still not quite getting used to where i put everything in my room. I finally found a white fox hoodie and some grey jeans. I brushed through my hair, curled my lashes, added some concealer and called it a day. I ran downstairs and slipped on my airforces.

"You ready Mi?" Leah walked down the hallway juggling her car keys in her hand.
"I suppose so"
"Don't worry, it'll all be fine" Leah gently said as she kissed the top of my head.

The car journey went too fast for my liking and soon enough we pulled up outside the school. It looked a bit smaller than my old one. I unwillingly pulled myself out the car and dragged my feet towards the school.

"Miya stop that with your feet, walk normally. Act like you want to be here please."
"But i don't want to be here" I muttered under my breath.
"What was that?" Leah asked as she spun her head round to look at me.
"Nothing." I replied.

As we entered the school Leah walked up to the desk.

"Hi i'm here for the meeting with Mr Bell about Miya Williamson's move to the school."
"Ah yes, just take a set on the sofa Mr Bell will be out to collect you in a minute."

We moved on to the sofas.

"Doesn't look to bad Miya" Leah said as she observed her surroundings.
"It's alright i suppose."

Soon afterwards a tall man walked through some double doors.

"Hi! You must be Leah, i'm Mr Bell" The man said as he extended his arm out for Leah to shake. Leah shook is hand and introduced herself.

"And you must be Miya." Mr Bell said as he turned himself towards me. "Lovely to meet you."

"Wish i could say the same" I muttered quietly. Yet Leah still heard and i received a nudge in the side from her.

"Right shall we go through then." Mr Bell broke the clear tension in the room. Me and Leah followed closely behind.
The meeting dragged on for a while as Leah and Mr Bell talked. I zoned out for majority of it, only tuning back in when i heard my name. The meeting finally ended and Leah and I walked back out towards the car.

"He seemed nice Miya. Did you like it?"

"Yeah he seems alright i guess. Schools just school, average."

"Right well you start on Wednesday as he said that you need to carry on with your education as soon as possible because your gcses are this year. Anyways we need to head to coloney to see about you joining the u16 team."

"Yeah that sounds great!" Just with the mention of football a spark inside me alight. I hadn't played in a while and i was craving that release.

We soon arrived at London Coloney. Leah led the way towards the conference rooms.

"You wait out here Miya whilst i talk to Tracy." I obliged and sat on one of the comfy chairs outside the meeting room. After looking round i found myself getting bored so took the opportunity to text Elle.

Miya: I miss you so much girly! Leah's talking to this lady about me joining the U16 team at arsenal i'll have to trial or something like that ofc but hopefully it all goes okay. Went to look at my new school today, it looks like a shithole like all the others i start on Wednesday so i'll see how long i last y'know me! I'll come up to see you soon
Elle: Omg!! M that's so exciting ahh!! I miss you so much. I now have to put up with Luca and he's driving me up the wall. If you hate your school or get kicked out just come back!

I put my phone back in my pocket as Leah remerged for the room.
"Thanks Sandy i really appreciate it see you tomorrow" Leah said as she signaled at me to get ready to leave.

As we got back in the car for what felt like the hundredth time today. Leah turned to me "You'll trial tomorrow whilst i train and if you get in you'll meet the other girls at the same time" I couldn't hide my excitement as a wide grin found its way onto my face. Leah just chucked yet still looked happy for me. We swiftly arrived home, had some lasagna and watched some tv before i retreated to my room ready to go to sleep.

Authors Note
Hi lovelies!
Hope you've all had a good weekend, the story will soon start to emerge just trust the process. Leave any ideas/suggestions! Don't be a silent reader!
Goodbye for now!

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