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     "What do you have to say for yourself?" asked a man sitting on a large throne. The throne was made of a reddish purple wood that formed five spikes on the top. The cushions were red as blood and lined the inside of the throne. Sitting on the throne was an older looking man with short, shaggy, light blue hair and a beard. He had light tan skin and dark blue demon-like eyes. The dark blue irises were surrounded with black instead of white. He also had navy blue horns and a tail that laid on the throne flicking with the king's growing irritation. He was wearing a black suit with blue swirling designs and had a black cape hanging off one shoulder. On top of his messy light blue hair was a golden crown.

     He was currently sitting on his throne in the throne room. This room contained 4 thrones with stairs leading up to them. There was a giant wooden door across from the thrones that was currently shut tightly. Leading from the door to the thrones was a bright red carpet. There was currently a man kneeling on the carpet in front of the stairs to the thrones. Beside the man were two guards holding him down. These weren't the only guards in the room as two more flanked each side of the thrones. Along with 4 guards on each side of the wall leading from the door to the throne.

     The man currently kneeling had deep red hair, that was in a short pony tail, and green eyes that were similar to the king. He had gray horns and a tail that almost looked silver. Compared to the king he was wearing very modest clothing. A tan long sleeved shirt with a brown sack crossed his chest. Along with brown pants that went to his knees and looked like they had seen better days. The man looked up at the king and said nothing. Just staring back with empty eyes and a blank expression.

     The king banged his hand on the throne and yelled, "ANSWER ME! I AM YOUR KING!"

     "My love, calm down please," pleaded a voice to the right of him. Sitting next to the king in a similar throne was a woman that looked around the same age as the king. She had fair skin, and white hair that faded to a purple that was currently tied up in a braided bun. She wore a off the shoulder dark purple dress with black leaved designs. The top and bottom of the dress had purple ruffles that made the dress look even more poofy. She had light gray eyes surrounded by black. Along with purple horns and a tail that matched her dress. Similar to the king she also had a golden crown resting on her head. "You're scaring the little ones." The queen then motioned towards two little boys sitting in smaller thrones next to the king's other side. They both looked no older than 5, but carried a stance that made them look older.

     The one closest to the king had dark and short, fluffy, light blue hair. His eyes were similar to the kings, but he had his mothers fair skin. He was wearing a dark blue suit that had golden designs on the shoulders. His horns and tail were navy blue matching his fathers. Overall he looked like a miniature version of the king himself. Other than the fact that this little boy's face carried wonder while the kings carried anger.

     Sitting farthest away from the king was another little boy who had the same bone structure and height of the other little boy. However his hair was similar to his mothers including his eye color. But compared to his brother's hair, that was very messy, he had short hair that was neatly cut around his ears. He was wearing a white suit with purple designs on the shoulders. His face was also more neutral than his brother's. Both of the little boys had crowns similar to their parents, but smaller versions. The same thing could be said about the thrones they were sitting on.

     The king inhaled a deep breath, clearly annoyed, and exhaled loudly. "Excuse my tone of voice," said the king in a calmer voice as the queen nodded in agreement, "I ask once again, what do you have to say for yourself?" To this the man kneeling in front of the king continued to stare blankly at the king. This angered the king even more and through a clenched jaw he threatened, "Don't make me hunt down that human you call your wife." This seemed to snap the man out of his daze and he narrowed his eyes at the king. The king smirked at the man's reaction, clearly pleased to finally get something out of the man. "Or maybe I'll hunt down that son of your's. How old is he again? Five?"

     "Fuck you," said the man in a low voice.

     "What was that?" asked the king as his smirk grew wider.

     "FUCK YOU!" yelled the man louder as he struggled against the two guards holding him down. To this the king laughed, but it wasn't an amused laughter. It was more like he was amazed with the man's reaction.

     "Fuck me? Fuck me?! Do you not realize what you have done! YOU'VE OUTED THE DEMON RACE TO THE HUMANS JUST BECAUSE YOU FELL IN LOVE WITH ONE!" shouted the king as his voice grew louder and louder. It echoed throughout the room and no one dared udder a single word, let alone breath too loudly. As the man stopped struggling against the guards.

     Then the man killed the silence by saying, "She never found out that I was a demon. I never told her." To this the king laughed again, however this time it was a deep laugh that shook people to their bones.

     "Like that means anything. You're a father are you not? Your offspring says all you need to say. What will your wife think when the baby starts to grow horns and a tail?" asked the king trying to keep his voice calm, but it wavered with anger. The man stared at the king with round eyes as he realized finally what he had truly done. The king then broke out into another bone chilling smile. "Well congrats you've made history with the first ever human and demon kid! Too bad you won't be around to see him grow up...that is if he makes it past five years old."

     "YOU MONSTER!" screamed the man as he struggled against the guard again, but to no success. The king chuckled at the man's weak attempts to get free. But then a voice cleared their throat loudly. The king looked annoyed as he looked to his right. Before immediately changing his expression to one of nervousness as he realized the voice had come from his wife. His wife raised her eyebrows before using her head to point out the two little boys. He turned his gaze to the two little boys who looked terrified.

     "Ah, uhm...guards," said the king and the two guards closest to the little boys straightened up, "Please escort the princes to their rooms. I believe it is past their bedtime." The two guards bowed to the king and ushered the two little boys out of the room. Once they were completely out of the room did the king return his gaze to the man.

     The man once again had stopped struggling against the two guards and helplessly looked at the king "Please...please...I beg of you! Kill me if you must, but don't kill my son. Listen! He might be the key to an alliance with the humans!" begged the man desperately trying to reach the king with his words.

     The king hummed lowly at the man's words before saying, "Now why would we need an alliance with the humans? Last I checked they fear us too much to start a war." The king then motioned for a guard next to the wall to step forward. As one did, the king stated, "This man in front of me is to be executed immediately for betraying the kingdom. Please see to it that this happens as quickly as possible. Then form a search party for a little half breed kid." The guard nodded and bowed at the king before making his way to the man. The two original guards hosted the man up and followed the one guard out the doors.

     As the man was being dragged off he shouted profanities at the king. "YOU CAN'T DO THIS! HE'S DONE NOTHING WRONG! HE'S JUST A LITTLE BOY YOU TYRANT! I HOPE ONCE YOU'RE LITTLE BOYS GROW UP THEY SEE JUST THE MAN THEIR FATHER IS! KILLING LITTLE KIDS JUST BECAUSE HE FEARS LOSING HIS OWN CROWN!" Shouted the man all the way until the doors closed and cut his voice off. The silence hung heavy as the king sighed and looked towards his wife.

     "Did I do the right thing?" asked the king.

      The queen stared off into the distance as she responded with, "There is never truly a right answer. Just an option that keeps us up at night and an option that comes back to kill us in the future."

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