Chapter 4

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A hand reached out to Lucas as he sat kneeling on the white floor. All around him was a white abyss, but that wasn't Lucas's main concern right now. Lucas looked up to the owner of the hand to see a familiar face. The person had the look of a mother, his mother. She had dark wavy copper hair which lined her tan face perfectly. There were slight wrinkles on her face, but the flowing light blue dress she wore showed off her young looking body. Her ocean blue eyes smiled at him, beckoning him to come to her.

    Lucas was confused at first because his mom was supposed to be at home still with the rest of his step family. But his confusion lasted only a second before it was forgotten. Some urge seemed to overcome him and he mindedly raised his hand to meet hers, but his attention wavered as he noticed someone standing next to his mom. A man was there, standing next to her with one hand resting on her shoulder. He had deep red hair that was much more red than his mothers. His green eyes sparkled with pride as he smiled down at Lucas. He had a similar skin color to his mother, but his skin seemed to glow. Maybe it was the all white clothing that he was wearing that did this.

    This man seemed familiar, but Lucas had never seen him in his life. A distance relative perhaps. However Lucas felt something was off about him as his form was a little blurry making the smaller details harder to make out.
Just then a voice called out to him and his attention was drawn back to his mother. The faintest voice could be heard as his mother's mouth opened and closed. Lucas tried to make out the words, but no matter how much he focused he couldn't make out the syllables. Just as Lucas was about to give up a louder voice took over.

Lucas covered his ears as his voice rattled the world around him. This voice sounded different than his mother's and it was much clearer. While his head might have been pounding, he could hear it, his name over and over again.


Lucas shot up from a sleeping position to almost collide heads with a person leaning right in front of him.

"LUCAS!" shouted the person, but the figure was way too blurry to make out. Lucas leaned back to be met with a wall and a pillow. Trying to get his bearings as he practically gasped for air. He felt around him as he looked around the room. Realizing he was currently sitting on a bed in the medical wing of the castle.

"Well will you look at that, your pointless screaming worked," said another voice on the foot of the bed. Lucas squinted slightly realizing it was Viper standing there.

"At least I was doing SOMETHING instead of insisting he was dead!" exclaimed the first voice and Lucas looked over to his left to see the person was Kay.

"Your definition of 'something' almost budded heads with him when he woke up," said Viper crossing his arms. Lucas tried to interject to ask what happened after he blacked out, but instead he was met with a coughing fit. Viper and Kay stopped their bickering, and looked over to Lucas. Kay reached over to the bedside table and handed Lucas a glass of water.

"Here drink this, the doctor said that your voice might be a little weak when you wake up. I mean you did have pretty bad bruises on your neck when you were found," said Kay resting a hand on Lucas's shoulder as he took a sip of water. He briskly came to the conclusion that shallowing hurt too much and he rested the glass of water on his lap.

"That will happen when you get strangled to death," said Viper shrugging.

"Now is not the time for your glass half empty remarks," snapped Kay at Viper, "besides we don't know if he was strangled or not. That's just what the doctor said based on the bruise marks."

      "H-he's...n-ot...wr-wrong..." strained Lucas as he tried to explain what happened, but his voice sounded raspy and his words didn't exactly sound like words. Kay immediately shushed him, putting a finger to his lips.

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