Chapter 3

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     *Warning ~ swearing & violence*

      Lucas walked down the cobble steps to the dungeon. It was a windy staircase that was completely made up of cobblestone. With the only light coming from old torches that lined the walls. Which Lucas was surprised that they still remained lit since there was water dripping from the cobble ceiling. Once he got to the bottom of the stairs he realized he never asked where the demon was being kept. Choosing a random direction he started walking. It couldn't be that hard, now could it?
     On the fifth attempt Lucas walked down a long hallway till he got to the end. Metal bared cells lined the walls all down the hallway, but they were all empty except for the one at the end. In front of the occupied cell there was a single guard. As soon as the guard spotted Lucas they stood up straighter.

     "Hello there," said Lucas as he came to a stop in front of them. "Is this the demon everyone keeps talking about?"

     "Yes sir! My orders were to watch over the demon," replied the guard.

     Lucas sighed in relief after many failed attempts he honestly took a shot in the dark, so he was glad he finally got it right. "Alrighty I'm here to replace you, so you are free to leave. Go check in with the Captain of your division." stated Lucas.

     "Yes Captain!" said the guard as they pounded their chest with a closed fist. They then proceeded to walk back down the hallway where Lucas had come from.

      "Sooo I see they sent a higher up down here, huh?" asked a voice from inside the cell. Lucas looked over into the cell which was just a bunch of metal bars. There a figure sat on the cotton bed in the darker corner, so Lucas could only see the outline of them. Then the figure stood up revealing not only their true height, but the handcuffs on their arms and legs.

     "It would seem so," replied Lucas as the figure walked closer to where Lucas was standing. The figure then slammed their hands on the cells bars grabbing a hold on them to slowly lean down to Lucas height. Which Lucas found very annoying as he wasn't that much shorter than the demon.

     When Lucas didn't flinch or even take a step back, which meant there was only inches between them, the demon frowned. Lucas now could see the demon in full view. The demon was a male who looked in his late 20's, similar to Lucas's age since he was 27. His hair was slicked back and was fading from black to white at the tips. Though there was a little piece of hair that sprung loose from its confinement and layed in the middle of his forehead. His pupils looked like snakes with blue irises. Surrounding the iris was blackness instead of white. He was currently wearing a white sleeveless vest with dark blue outlines. The vest showed off his fair skinned chest and resting in the middle was a silver cross necklace with a sapphire gem. Along with the vest he was wearing black jeans and shoes.

     "Not even a flinch? Color me impressed. The last person jumped a mile high," said the demon finally letting go of the cell bars, but didn't back up. To this Lucas hummed in distaste before turning around to face the hallway. But not before putting a slightly greater distance between the two. "Not much of a talker?" asked the demon moving to the side slightly to try and catch Lucas's gaze.

     "I don't have much to say to you. Just like I don't have to prove anything to you," state Lucas as he paused for a moment, refusing to turn around, "Unlike you I'm not trying to make up for anything by boosting my ego."

      This got a reaction out of the demon as he laughed. "I like you. You know how to dish it back. That other guard almost puked just from just being in the same area as me," said the demon as he plopped himself on the ground next to Lucas.

     "The feeling is not returned," said Lucas as he tried to shut down the conversation the demon was trying to make with him.

     The demon raised his eyebrow at Lucas. "Oh don't get me wrong, I still despise you humans. I just prefer to be guarded with someone with a sense of sarcasm rather than pure fear," clariffed the demon.

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