Chapter 1

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"Did you hear? Apparently they caught one of the demons of the forest!" exclaimed an excited voice. There was a younger girl with long, wavy, brown hair and hazel eyes. Who was practically dancing circles around a guy as she talked. She was wearing a similar guard uniform to the man. However hers was much smaller as she only made it up to the guy shoulders in height. Another big difference between the two was the choice in weapon. As the girl had a long sword on her hip and the guy had a spear on his back. Also her helmet was currently off and in her hands.

The uniform consisted of a dark purple undershirt and black pants. On top was silver armor with a chainmail top underneath it. It also came with a helmet that covered the entire head except for the eyes. It was most common to see the guards walking around the castle with their helmets off. As long as the king or his brother wasn't in sight.

    The guy sighed and asked sarcastically, "Really? I couldn't tell from the million other times someone walked up to me telling me that." The guy had reddish brown hair that was long enough to be put in a small braid off to the side. He was currently wearing his helmet and only a small portion of his hair could be seen. Along with his fluorescent blue eyes peeking out behind the helmet and his tan skin.

     This caused the girl to stop dancing circles around him and pout. "Wow, that's low even for you Lucas." said the girl as she put her hands on her hips, "Well then maybe I won't tell you about how they captured it." The girl then shrugged and started to walk off. They were currently in one of the hallways in the castle, so she chose a direction and started walking that way.

"Wait," said Lucas rubbing his face with his hand, "Listen...I'm sorry Kay I didn't mean it." While others might have taken his apology as half assed, Kay immediately accepted it and bounced back to Lucas.

"Okay! So apparently this demon appeared out of nowhere!...Er well it came from the forest, but it just showed up to some farmers house near the forest! The family let it stay there and in the meantime they called the guards. It looked badly injured and was easy for the guards to catch. Then they brought it here, locked it up, and now it's in our dungeon!" said Kay as making motions with her hands to go along with the story.

"Huh, interesting," said Lucas thinking over Kay's story, "It takes about 2 days to get from the farms near the forest to the city. So the demon must have-."

Kay then interrupted Lucas' thoughts stating, "I KNOW! So the demon must have been at the family's house for at least FOUR DAYS! They must have been TERRIFIED! I know I would have been!" Lucas chuckled at the last part and patted Kay's head.

"Yes, that must have been terrifying for them." said Lucas as he took back his hand.
"I wonder if the demon threatened the family to get them to let it stay with them," said Kay stating her thoughts out loud.

To this Lucas shrugged and said, "That's the question. Maybe the demon was friends with the family beforehand."

Kay laughed at this and said, "Nah, then the family wouldn't have called the guards."

"Attention!" shouted a voice from behind Lucas and Kay. They both jumped and Kay threw on her helmets. As they turned around they were met with a familiar face. The guy standing in front of them had short, thick, dark blue hair. His eyes were purple and there were claw marks around them.

"V-Viper! Don't scare us like that!" pouted Kay as she took off her helmet again.

"Heh, you've gotta be on your toes. What if I was Allumos walking up to you? You'd be toast, gone, kicked to the curb," said Viper smirking ever so slightly.

"We get it, Viper," sighed Lucas, "There's no need to sugar coat it. Just admit you like giving people heart attacks."

Viper chuckled at this while saying, "So what if I do?" This caused Kay to give Viper a slight punch to the arm, that was caring, but a warning at the same time.

"You jerk!" exclaimed Kay as Viper tsked rubbing his arm.

"Oh wow, am I going to witness my first lovers quarrel between you too?" asked Lucas as he raised an eyebrow.

Kay fake gasped and responded with, "I'd never! This face is just too lovable to stay made at." Kay then proceeded to squish Vipers face as he grimaced.

"Mhm," said Lucas, totally believing Kay. Viper then proceeded to shoo Kay's hand away before giving her a quick peek on the cheek.

"Any who, I have a message for you Lucas. King Micheal has summoned you to his chamber. For what? I don't know," said Viper shrugging.

"Ah, lovely," said Lucas, "I guess I better get going then."

"Yup," said Viper before adding sarcastically, "Don't want to keep our 'lovely' king waiting.

"Har har, you love him," said Lucas as he waved goodbye walking off.

"BYE! Don't let Micheal kill you!" yelled Kay after Lucas as she held onto Viper's hand.

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