Chapter 6

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     Two days later Lucas and his team reached the forbidden forest. There was no gradual change from plains to forest, it was just a wall of thick trees. Surrounding the trees was a light fog that added to the eeriness of the whole place. The group paused for a moment before trugging into the forest. They walked into the misty fog and immediately the world faded around them.

     "Stay close," yelled Lucas and his team replied with a variety of okay's. It was hard to make out everyone's location, but Lucas tried his best to keep counting all the outlines around him.

     After what felt like hours the misty fog started to dissolve and Lucas could see the forest clearly now. However this forest looked unfamiliar and the trees seemed extremely tall. Their branches seemed to touch the sky and the leaves were almost as big as Lucas's head. Even the other plants around them seemed huge. The soft calls of birds could be heard and the buzzing from insects flying by.

     "Where the fuck are we?" asked Viper looking suspiciously at a large fern.

     "I...have no clue," said Lucas looking up at one of the trees, trying to see the top.

     "Well we definitely aren't in the original forest anymore," said Kay as she stood next to Viper.

      "T-these plants realistically s-shouldn't be able to get this bi-big," stuttered Seek as he examined a large flower that went up to his waist.

     The group took a moment to look around at the new world that surrounded them. Just then Lucas heard a scream and he snapped around to see what the commotion was. There Collin stood in between Seek and a demon with his swords drawn. Everyone took their defensive position as they started to get surrounded.

     "Dammit Kit! I said stay in the shadows till we had a plan," said one of the demons taking a step forward. Said demon in question grumbled and stepped away from Collin. However that wasn't Lucas' main concern right now as this demon looked very familiar. Then it clicked. "Sup Raindrop, didn't expect to see you here," said the demon smirking.

     Lucas frowned at the familiar nickname and raised his spear slightly. "Likewise...Snowflake," said Lucas as he gripped his spear harder.

     "Is this the demon from the dungeons?" whispered Kay to Lucas as she shuffled closer to him and Lucas nodded.

      The demon chuckled, "Well then! Introductions aside, I mean you probably won't be around long enough anyways. What brings you to our neck of the forest?"

      Lucas' whole team stayed silent and stared at Lucas waiting for orders. Immediately Allumos's previous warning left Lucas' head and all Lucas could think about was the demon standing in front of him. "Answers," replied Lucas as he paused for a moment, "Oh and how could I have forgotten...revenge." The demon's face immediately changed from playful to serious in a matter of seconds as they both lunged for each other at the same time.

     Chaos erupted and fighting broke out among both groups. But Lucas was focused on the threat in front of him. He swung his spear at the demon, but the demon effortlessly dodged it. The demon had his own weapon, a long sword, and swung it at Lucas. Lucas blocked it with his spear and attempted to disarm the demon, but failed. It ended with both of them back in their original positions.

     This back and forth continued for a while till Lucas realized he couldn't hear the sound of fighting around him. He attempted to get a feel for his surroundings, but all he could see was the never ending forest. Their fighting had led them to stray away from the rest of the group and this worried Lucas.

     The demon took this chance, while Lucas was distracted, to swing at him again. However Lucas ducked and barely dodged a lethal blow to his neck. In return he kicked the demon's knees causing the demon to crouch in pain. Lucas tried to pierce the demon with his spear, but the demon leaned out of the way.

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