Chapter 7

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Lucas slowly blinked his eyes as the room started to fade into existence. He realized he was laying down on something and tried to sit up. However he bumped his head on something hard above him. Lucas groaned and rubbed his head sitting up slightly with his other arm.

"Careful there Raindrop," said a voice close by. Lucas immediately perked up knowing that nickname. He shifted to the left slightly and saw metal bars in front of him. On the opposite side of those bars stood a very familiar figure.

"The fuck?" asked Lucas as he noticed the metal bars. He looked around and noticed he was in a small stone room with no windows. He was currently laying on what he could only assume was a bunk bed as there was a second level. The bunk bed was on the right side of the room and then there was a bucket in the corner on the wall opposite of him.

     The demon chuckled and Lucas's attention was drawn back. "Kinda ironic how the tables have turned, no?" suggested the demon cheekily. Lucas glared at the demon and swung his legs to the side of the bed. He then proceeded to try and stand up. As soon as he stood his vision went black and he stumbled. However he caught himself on the bunk bed right before he completely fell down.

     "What the fuck did I just say?!" said the demon before sighing and rubbing the bridge of his nose, "I swear at this point how have you not gotten brain damage." The demon then paused and thought over his previous statement. "No actually I take that back you probably do have brain damage with how much of an idiot you are."

     At this point Lucas had managed to make his way over to the cell bars standing in front of the demon. "I'm surprised you haven't been crushed by your ego yet," stated Lucas bluntly.

     The demon smirked at this comment and said "Say's the one behind bars." Lucas' expression went from blank to angry in seconds and he growled slightly. "Ooooh I'm so scared. Bad boy got anger issues." said the demon dramatically leaning down to Lucas's height and pushing his face closer to the bars.

     "Where the fuck is the rest of my group?" growled Lucas.

     "I don't know, why don't you try asking nicely?" asked the demon. Lucas just glared at the demon and they both stood in a standoff. Lucas weighed the pros and cons in his head before coming to the conclusion that the demon wasn't going to let him off that easily. Lucas opened his mouth to ask again, but he was interrupted.

     "David! Stop trying to intimidate the prisoners!" shouted a voice. As the figure got closer Lucas saw that it was another male demon. This demon had jet black hair spilling out of a golden yellow bandana. He kinda looked like a pirate with his shaggy hair. He had brown eyes and light tan skin. When the demon paused in front of them Lucas could see that he was only a smidge shorter than David. The demon was wearing dark black armor including a chest plate with a purple symbol in the middle. The symbol was a diamond with an eye in the middle. There were two big demon wings on the top sides and two tiny demon wings on the bottom sides. The purple symbol was then outlined in gold. The armor seemed more like padding than extra armor as there was a lot of open space. The shoulder armor also jetted out and made slight spikes. Under the armor he was wearing a green shirt and black pants with black boots.

     "MARIO, way to just blow my cover!" cried David.

     "What cover? Also where's your uniform?" questioned Mario using his arms to gesture towards David.

     David looked down at his outfit which was the one from when Lucas first met him. "Well, will you look at that? It seemed to have run off again," said David, trying to sound surprised. Mario just sighed in defeat knowing he was probably not going to get anywhere with that conversation.

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