One Night Stand

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Summary: Kali is a celebrity hairstylist & barber who meets Marshall at one of his concert venues after having been hired by Denaun. They both hit it off and have a good time... Maybe too much of a good time.

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Kali's POV:

— Backstage

My name is Kali and I'm a 34 year old celebrity hairstylist. I've been in the industry for around 15 years now and live what I do. I style hair for both men and women as well as cut hair. I was hired today by someone by the name of Denaun Porter, who wanted me to come and cut his hair as well as fix his beard for him and a few of his friends. So here I am backstage at the venue, having already set up in one of the dressing rooms.

I actually already trimmed his hair and beard and was waiting for my last client. It apparently was another one of his friends that he had convinced last minute to come through to get a cut. I was waiting around for a few minutes, talking to the guys about what I do and what not since they were so interested because they'd never seen a female barber before. Then suddenly a white man with a slightly scruffy beard came in through the door. I took in his persona, and he was pretty cute. Pretty blue eyes, nice thick beard, head full of hair, and he seemed like a nice guy from the way he introduced himself. I always appreciate the good looking clients just a tiny bit more.

"What's up. Are you Kali?" He asked, putting his hand out for me to shake.

"Yup. And you are?" I asked politely.

"Marshall." He confirmed.

"Oh, you're the one performing tonight! Eminem, right?" I smiled as he took a seat in the chair.

I draped the cloth around his neck to keep his clothes clean of hair as he nodded his head yes. I did a little bit of research before I came here. I didn't know much about him other than he's a rapper and a few other random things that honestly didn't matter. I just do it so that there isn't any awakened tension between me and my clients because some of them don't like when you don't know who they are. They can be very stuck up like that sometimes.

"So what are looking for me to do today, Marshall?" I ask him as I study his current hair.

"I just want a line up and my beard trimmed and cleaned up. That's it. No cut today."

"Ight, cool." I say, getting straight to work.

I get the clippers and stand directly in front of him. I lean over slightly, lining his hairline so that it's straight and crisp. I was so focused that I didn't hear anyone conversing around me. I was simply trying to complete my task to the best of my ability as I normally would, providing nothing but the best.

A few minutes had passed by when I felt eyes on me. And not just in a curious way but a lusting way. I looked down slightly out of my peripheral vision, seeing Marshall's eyes looking down at my chest. I was wearing a rather low cut shirt today, not thinking it was a big deal. No matter what I wear my male clients tend to always try to hit on me or have lingering eyes. I always deny them and keep it professional though. Can't be mixing business and pleasure. I simply ignored his eyes, continuing my work as I moved to his beard.

We were sat in silence for a while until Marshall asked me a question.

"So how long have you been cutting hair?" He curiously asked.

"Almost 15 years. I'm a hairstylist and barber." I answer him as I chew my gum some more to concentrate.

"15? How old are you? You don't look a day over 40." He chuckled deeply.

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