TenRose and Coffee With Martha (Part 1)

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A/N If you love Martha, I would recommend that you skip this two-part one shot. Credit for the picture goes to @/tenrose.shippers on Instagram.


"And we're here!" The Doctor said to Rose as he landed the TARDIS.

"Where is here?" Rose asked.

"Earth. One year in the future."

"Why here, Doctor? We can go anywhere in time and space and you take me here."

"I want you to meet someone, one of my future companions. I'm actually going to take you to meet a bunch of my companions, but not the point. Her name is Martha. I went to the future and stalked myself while you were sleeping last night. I know that is a bad thing to do, but I was a little curious," the Doctor said and shrugged. "I think you guys will get along."

"Well, let's go then. As you say, Allons-y!" Rose then ran to the door of the TARDIS and hopped out.

"I'm so glad she didn't realize that we won't be together forever," the Doctor said under his breath.

Rose poked her head in. "Come along, Doctor. Where are we going?"

"To Martha's flat of course. I parked right down the street from it."

The Doctor and Rose ran out of the TARDIS and rang the doorbell on Martha's flat.

"Who is it?" Martha shouted.

"Martha, it's me. The Doctor. Let me in."

Martha came to the door wearing an apron and an oven mitt.

"Hello Doctor," Martha said while giving him a hug.

Rose was confused. Why was she hugging her Doctor?

"And who is your friend," Martha asked snottily while judging Rose.

"I'm Rose Tyler," she said while grabbing the Doctor's hand and giving a snotty look back.

"I've heard so much about you, Rose. Nice to meet you." Martha shook hands with Rose.

"Nice to meet you too," Rose said.

"Well, come on in, Doctor," Martha said energetically. "And Rose," she uttered in a scolding tone.

The three of them walked up the stairs into Martha's kitchen.

"Sorry for the mess. I've been cooking all day," Martha told the Doctor and Rose. "I am cooking for my sister's birthday party tomorrow. I just made some tea if you want some."

"No thank you," Rose said while looking around the room.

"I'll have some," the Doctor said to Martha.

Martha grabbed a cup and walked over to the stove and poured the Doctor some tea.

"Here you go Doctor. Do you want a scone?" Martha asked the Doctor.

"I wouldn't mind a-"

"Of course!" The Doctor told Martha while interrupting Rose.

Rose was now mad. How did the Doctor think she would get along with her?

Martha gave the Doctor a scone and talked for a while with him. Rose didn't contribute to the conversation.

"How about we go shopping?" Martha asked the Doctor and Rose.

"That sounds like a lot of fun. We should go," Rose said before the Doctor could answer. "But I need to stop in the TARDIS before we go."

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