TenRose and Coffee With Martha (Part 2)

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If you love Martha, I would you recommend that you skip this part 2 of a 2 part one shot.  Credit for the picture goes to @/tenrose.shippers on Instagram.


"Rose, Rose, Rose," Martha said to Rose who was tied up in a chair. "Do you want anything?"

"I want to get out of this chair!" Rose yelled, hoping the Doctor would hear her.

"Sorry sweetie, can't do that. It would ruin my plan," Martha said.  

"Oh let me guess, I get killed?" Rose asked.

"Kill you. No, don't be obvious. I mean, I am going to kill you anyways soon. Very soon. I don't want to rush it though. I'm saving it up for something special. No no no no no. I'll burn you. I'll burn the heart out of you."

"I have been reliably informed that I don't have one," Rose said.

"Oh, but we both know that's not quite true. His name is the Doctor."

Rose went pale. She was very afraid now. Rose grabbed one of the men's guns and pointed it at Martha.

"What if I was to shoot you now? Right now." Rose said.

"Then you could cherish the look of surprise on my face," Martha said while making a surprised face. "Take her away boys. You know what to do."

The two men picked up the chair Rose was sitting in and started to make their way outside.

"Now what if I shoot you big man?" Rose said to one of them. "Huh, what would you do?"

"I would laugh in your face," he said.

"Let me go or I shoot," Rose said.

"Then shoot me. I ain't letting you get away."

Rose pointed the gun up to the man's face and pulled the trigger. Nothing happened.

"What?" Rose said confused.

"No ammo. I got it right here," he said patting his back pocket.

Rose dropped the gun on the sidewalk when they got out into the alleyway.


Back at the bakery, the Doctor was getting restless. He finally got up and he paid for lunch and walked out.

"What is taking them so long?" The Doctor wondered to himself. "I'll wait fifteen minutes and then I will go looking for them," the Doctor thought to himself while he walked back into the bakery and ordered a cookie.


"Oi! Watch it!" Rose yelled as one of the men grabbed the necklace from around her neck. She so wished the Doctor was there. He is always at the right place at the right time. Where can he be?

Then, the door to Martha's flat opened and out walked Martha. She had changed her clothes. She is now wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a black jacket with a white T-shirt under it.

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