Chapter 2

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"This is outrageous! What was Grandfather thinking? I won't have children with some stranger," Claire shouted once the video ended. She stood and stomped, and her face turned red.

The large office was brightly lit by the huge window that looked at the Manhattan landscape. The Empire State could be seen to the right. To her left, on the wall, were bookshelves full of what seemed to Claire to be law books.

Behind the oak desk where Doyle sat, displayed in its full glory, was what Claire recognized as Caravaggio's Nativity. Is that real?

He had a bemused smile as if this scene was one he had already imagined.

"C'est complètement absurde! Comment Grand-père a-t-il pu imaginer que je me plierais à une telle mascarade?" She continued in perfect French. Pacing around the office and gesturing like a windmill.

"Il doit se retourner dans sa tombe à l'idée que j'accepterais cette folie sans lutter."

"Miss Claire, I assure you that the assets are in a trust that you will not be able to access unless you comply. Your Grandfather was most adamant about the requirement," explained Mr. Doyle.

"And what do you think of all this?" She whirled on Roger angrily.

"Lady, I have no idea. I'm just a pre-med student that helped out an old man. After that, I had no contact with him!" Roger answered defensively.

"I mean, you're a looker, but I wouldn't marry you!" He added.

"And why wouldn't you marry me?" Claire added incredulously. How could this vagabond not want to marry her? He should count himself lucky to be in the same room as her.

"Lady, you have a temper. We're from very different backgrounds, and some other things my mother taught me not to say."


"Don't call me lady. I'm about your age. You can call me Miss Williams," she said haughtily.

Roger didn't answer.

"Mr. Doyle, I'm really not interested in any inheritance. Right now, I need a job and a place to live. If you can help me with that, great. If not, I'll be going 'cause I don't want to sleep on a park bench tonight," Roger said.

"Mr. Catzín, there's a room for you at the Williams' mansion, and if you acquiesce, the trust will cover all your living expenses for the next year," the lawyer explained.

Roger was silent.

"You can concentrate on your studies!" He added enticingly.

"Miss Claire, if you do not follow his instructions, you will be terminated by Williams Holdings immediately, and you can no longer stay at the Williams' mansion. You will be homeless, like Mr. Catzín. I'm sorry. I argued with Chester about this, but he was adamant. His words: if you can't handle living in the same house with a good-looking young man for a year, then you can fend for yourself."

Claire seethed. She had worked very hard for the last five years at Williams Holding. She had earned her position as CEO. It wasn't given to her. How could Grandfather do this? Fine, if that's what he wants, his legacy can die for all I care.

"I have money, and I have a family. For all I care, Williams Holding can rot. I'm leaving. Mr. Catzín, I hope never to see you again!" She stormed out of the room, and Mr. Doyle followed. She wasn't cattle to be handed over for mating!

"Miss Claire, please listen. The requirements are quite straightforward. Please come back and hear me out. It isn't as bad as the video made it out to be."

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