Chapter 15

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The ruins of the laboratory loomed around Roger as he faced off against Dr. Márquez for the first time. The air still crackled with residual Ch'ulel energy, and the ground was strewn with the debris of their initial encounter.

"Where do you think you're going, grandson?" Dr. Márquez's tone was cold, the title 'grandson' twisted in a way that made Roger's skin crawl.

Roger squared his shoulders, anger tightening his features. "I'm no kin of yours," he said, spiting to emphasize the denial.

"Oh, but you are, in every way that matters," Dr. Márquez replied, stepping closer with a smirk that chilled him to the bone. "You're the linchpin of my life's work. Flavio was too squeamish to see it through, but he believed in my vision at the start, and here we are, reunited."

The implications of her words hit Roger hard, twisting in his gut like a knife. She was delusional, seeing her manipulations and experiments as a twisted form of legacy.

"Your vision?" Roger snapped back, his voice thick with emotion. "Using people, destroying lives for what? Power?"

Her laugh, devoid of any real humor, rang out across the lab. "Not just power, grandson. Evolution. Progress. I merely want to return our people to what they once were—masters of all these lands. Great warriors that manipulate energies the Gringos covet and only dream about."

"Your wife's grandfather was willing to pay to add these gifts to his bloodline! He orchestrated all of this just to get you to marry Claire. At least I want it for our people."

The battle sounds from outside grew louder, signaling the attackers were still fighting to breach the facility. Time was running short, and Roger knew he needed to end this quickly.

"The ones you have locked up like cattle?"

"Sacrifices have to be made!"

He launched himself at her with a speed honed by years of training, his movements blurred. Dr. Márquez met his attack with a dark Ch'ulel that clashed against him like crashing waves.

Roger pressed forward, weaving through her defenses with precise, calculated moves. He dodged her dark energy swipe, countering with a flurry of strikes that gradually pushed her outside the building.

They continued to clash in the middle of the intense firefight that greeted them. A group of soldiers came toward him, taking a defensive position. Dr. Márquez was momentarily distracted.

Seizing his opportunity, Roger summoned all his Ch'ulel energy, channeling it through his cry, "K'at Balam!" The release was explosive, sending Dr. Márquez flying back against the outside wall, her body hitting it with a thud that echoed ominously.

She tried to stand, visibly shaken and weakened. "You... you truly are the culmination of all my work. Magnificent," she murmured, a twisted sort of pride in her eyes. Her body slumped against the wall.

Roger ignored her last words, turning instead to help the team. His eyes widened in surprise; behind the fighting men was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

 His eyes widened in surprise; behind the fighting men was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen

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The fasten seatbelt sign blinked on, but Roger was rooted to his seat. Beside him, Claire's head lay on his shoulder, her arms encircling his as if she was afraid he might disappear.

He smiled, remembering their meeting. After delivering a tongue-lashing that would have made Trunchbull proud, she clung to him like an octopus ensnaring a clam. Her lips had locked on his, oblivious to the dozens of soldiers around them.

They had talked and put together the Mayan puzzle that their grandfathers, along with Dr. Márquez, had started. She had explained the confusion about Edward and then that night had made sure he understood she was his wife, multiple times, and this morning again, and again, and again.

He looked at her and kissed her forehead.

"Claire, we're about to land."

She looked up at him, and her bright green eyes devoured him. She pulled him closer and kissed him deeply.

"I think Dr. Márquez was right in one thing."

"You do?"

"There needs to be more Mayans!"

"There needs to be more Mayans!"

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