Chapter 14

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"Starting extraction procedure for subject S92-006," the voice of an elderly woman broke the silence, her face obscured behind a surgical mask as she checked Roger's pupils. "Recording devices on."

Roger lay restrained on a cold, metallic table, the stark lights of the lab casting long shadows across the room. The air was thick with antiseptic, punctuated by the soft hum of machines.

Beside him, a calm voice announced, "Starting with oxygen."

Roger's heart pounded against the restraints. His hands flexed futilely as panic rose. For the tenth time, he tried to cycle his Ch'ulel, seeking any internal escape, but found nothing. His power was blocked, his connection totaly severed, unlike before.

"Log entry for subject S92-006, March 12th. Initiating electrostimulation under controlled conditions. Subject is male, mid-thirties, minimal anesthesia applied to monitor live neurological responses," Dr. Márquez continued methodically, her tone clinical but laced with anticipation.

Roger shuddered as the cold touch of metal pressed against him. "Insert the rectal stimulation probe," Dr. Márquez instructed a technician who hovered just out of Roger's sight.

"Watch the positioning; we don't need complications," she added, her voice a chilling blend of professional caution and detached cruelty.

As the electrical current began, stimulating him involvably, Roger clenched his teeth against the violation, his eyes squeezed shut in silent protest.

"Vitals are stable. He's responding to the stimulation," noted a nurse from across the room.

Roger's feeble attempt to pull at his restraints was met with a firm directive, "Hold him down!"

"Collection achieved for subject S92-006 on March 12th at 14:07. Stimulant level 4. Sample size recorded at 3.5 ml. Sample will be coded and sent for analysis."

"Should I terminate the stimulation?"

"Yes, conclude the stimulation phase. Prepare subject S92-006 for post-procedure monitoring. Ensure all data is backed up securely."

"Administering post-procedure sedative. He will be transferred to observation."

"Procedure concluded without complication. Subject will be monitored for any adverse effects over the next 24 hours. This log will be sealed according to protocol guidelines. Dr. Elena Márquez signing off."

"Are the four insemination candidates ready? I want the procedure done as soon as the sample is verified."

"Yes, Doctor. We have the other four Ch'ulel types now."

"Finally! We're close, Bernie. Very close!"

As the sedative took hold, dimming the edges of his consciousness, Roger heard her final instructions, a promise of further trials: "Make sure he recovers; I want to test his capabilities as soon as possible."


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