Chapter 9

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"I'm sure he's just buying something," Edward offered. The buzzing sound of unintelligible conversations filled the air. Servers moved deftly between tables, taking orders and shuttling food and drinks. A sudden afternoon breeze made a whirlwind of paper napkins that threw the room into frenzied snatching.

But Claire was oblivious to everything except the ringing phone in her hand, her countenance becoming more worried with every ring.

"What can I get you?" A server asked.

"Give us a minute!" Claire faintly heard Edward answer.

The couple at the table next to them clinked their glasses. Claire glared. Where is he?

"It just goes to voice mail. I don't understand. He was right behind me," Claire explained as if reassuring herself. Her brow furrowed.

"I'm going to go look for him!" She started to get up.

"Wait here. I'm sure he's just talking to another beautiful heiress," Edward teased.

Claire's murdering look pierced him. He used the dazzling grin that had always gotten him out of trouble as a boy.

"It's best to wait, C. He knew you were coming to this restaurant. I'm sure he'll be here momentarily." Edward's calming voice did nothing to assail Claire's fears.

The crashing sound of glasses brought the restaurant to almost total silence as a server dropped a tray of beverages and caused a collective cringe.

Claire looked up from the ringing phone.

"I swear I'm buying him a new phone. That clunker he has is probably dead," she forced a smile, her mind a storm of scenarios, each one worse as time passed.

"We'll treat you real nice," the raspy voice of her captor flashed in her mind. Her eyes watered, and she trembled.

Edward reached over and squeezed her forearm in reassurance.

She sent a text.

[Roger, where are you? I'm at the restaurant. There's someone special I want you to meet.]

Her eyes glued to the screen, imploring for a reply. Did they take him? I should call Mr. Doyle.

The server returned, but before he could utter a word.

"Just give us a minute, okay?" Claire snapped.

"Got any husbands on the menu? My cousin seems to have lost hers," Edward quipped.

She cringed, "I'm sorry. I'm just in the middle of an important call. We'll call you, okay?" She added sheepishly.

The waiter smiled. "Don't worry, mam. I'll be right over there," he said, pointing to a station a few tables away. Just call when you're ready." His cheerful attitude made Claire cringe further.

She took a deep breath. You're worrying me, babe.

Then her phone beeped.

[Returning to NYC. I hope you have a nice reunion with your special friend.]

She read it. Then, read it again. A murdering look drew on her face. The veins in her neck bulging. That jealous idiot!

"I'm going to kill him!" She yelled. Edward cringed.

A few seconds passed. Possibilities considered and discarded. How would he get to NYC? The bus station!

She had noticed it kitty-corner to the wharf.

She jumped out of her chair, sending it crashing with a horrendous clatter. Apprehension gripped her.

She ran out, not waiting for Edward. That idiot!

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