Chapter 11

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The deep, throbbing hum of the rotors, as the pilot changed their pitch for the descent, resonated in her chest. The helicopter inclined forward, drawing closer to the dock, and she gripped the seatbelt strap tighter—her hands a sweaty mess. Out the window, she could see the Seals descending onto the ship's deck.

A few more minutes and Roger will be with me.

The bright morning sun illuminated the bustling docks. A rainbow of containers moved from docked ships to warehouses. Men in hard hats walked, ran, and chatted throughout the mile-long platform. At the end of the peer, a food truck served a growing line of workers.

Oh, Roger, please be okay!

The slight jar signaled they were down, and she quickly jumped out, fighting the silly urge to run to him. Mr. Doyle stepped in front of her to prevent her flight.

"He'll be here soon, Claire," he said reassuringly.

A slight breeze rustled her hair, a respite from the growing heat and humidity.

"Do you think he'll be alright? They wouldn't have hurt him?" the exasperation made her tone curt.

"We'll know for sure in a few minutes, but I'm positive he's fine."

"I'm such a fool!" the recrimination left a dull ache. If I hadn't set those silly rules. If I hadn't been so distrustful. If I'd been a proper wife.

"Roger's a competent and resilient man."


Roger breathed deeply, making his Ch'ulel cycle throughout his body. The breathing calmed his mind as he aligned his purpose. He positioned himself in front of the steel doors and took a balanced stance.

Outside, the sound of engines died, and he heard the faint voices of men. The image of Claire leaping into the man's arms flashed. A dull ache passed through him.

The sounds told him they were near.

He heard the pop of locks being opened and the scraping of the metal latches being undone on the other side. He smirked and clenched his fists.

He breathed deeply, steadying himself, and whispered, "B'alam K'at."


Claire ran, passing Mr. Doyle in a flash. Relief rushed through her.

Some of the workers stopped to watch the racing woman. One audacious youngster whistled at the beauty.

The seals were slowly escorting a man down the gangplank. She gasped from the desperation welling up in her chest. She willed her legs to go faster, but everything seemed to slow down. Finally.

The morning sun's glare made it hard to see the group of men, and she needed to see him. A scene of her hugging and kissing him played out in her mind.

She stopped at the foot of the walkway, anxiously waiting for the seven men to get there.


As the door opened a crack, Roger exploded into action. The force he exerted made the door swing wildly. A loud crunch and a scream followed as the door flung open. One down.

Two more men waited on either side of the door, startled by the sudden attack.

The dry heat made Roger instantly sweat. Time slowed. He measured his opponents. The one on the left was slightly off balance. He mentally smiled. That was all he needed.

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