Pt1: A Lost Bet

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(this is set during the final episode of the Cuphead show)

"Rock! Paper! Scissors, Shoot!"

Both the devil and Cuphead stick out their hands.

Cuphead chose paper, and the devil, cose scissors.

"Scissors... beats... Rock," Cuphead said weakly.

They both gauped at theri outstretched hands.

"Ha ha," the devil began to chuckle, "hahaHAHAHAHAHAH! YES!"

The devil stood up tall and hefted his pitchfork looking down on Cuphead with his menacing yellow eyes, now glowing with the flaming joy of revenge.

"No no no no," cuphead muttered to himself, stumbling backwards to his friends.

"Cuphead you idiot!" Mugman screamed ,"why would you bet on luck of all things! You could have done a piano contest, a checkers contest, a contest for who looks the most like Cuphead but NO you had to bet our lives on Rock, Paper Scissors."

"Well i didn't hear you offering any advice," Chalice shouted back.

"Well i didn't see you just get back up after falling over on marbles or anyone giving me even the SLIGHTEST CHANCE FOR ME TO GIVE MY INPUT"

As the cups bickered the devil approached twiddling his pitchfork and feeling on top of the world.

"Oh turmoil turmoil," he said smiling a huge grin ,"too bad it won't ever be resolved."

The cups all turned to face the devil's menacing silhouette as he approached, confident as ever.

"Boys scram!" chalice yelled desperately waving for them to go.

"I don't think so Ms chalice," the devil said, reaching out his hand.

His palm began to glow a ghostly blue and a tiny vortex materialised, creeping towards the cups.

"Run, Scram, What are you doing!" Chalice cried

But the brothers never heard her. Their eyes were empty, their faces ashen and gormless. Their soul began to protrude from their chests, being pulled in by the devil's magic. Soon they popped out of the cups' torso and slowly spiralled into the devil's hand.

Left where they stood were two empty shells, husks of the souls that once inhabited them. Chalice watched as the zombies that were once her friends stumbled off in different directions

"Your little friends won't be going anywhere my valiant chalice," he , menacingly leaning in ,"it seems your debts have finally caught up with you, debitor."

He spat out the last word as if it was some disgusting morsel of food.

"N-no please!" Chalice stammered ,"I have one last deal to make!"

"You have nothing left to lose Ms Chalice," the devil growled ,"therefore, I have nothing left to gain from you."

The devil stepped back and pointed it right at ms chalice.

"Goodbye my tricksy cup," the devil's pitchfork lit tiny fires on each of it's tips," you fought hard, but the house always wins!"

A blast of fire shot from the tip of the pitchfork, flying through the air, hitting Chalice square in between the eyes and exploding in a fiery ball of light and smoke. As the light died down, the devil reached his hand into the dense smoke and from the air he plucked chalice's soul.

"HAHA!" the devil yelled with jubilation, "i've never felt so alive."

"Way to go boss, good show ," Henchman congratulated, opening the Hellivator door ,"let's go boss, we can throw a big party with all the demons in hell."

The devil walked over to the elevator and stepped in.

"Yes I think I will."

And with that the hellevator door closed and it disappeared in a cloud of smoke and flame.

(for those wondering "hellevator" is a nickname for the magical elevator that goes to and from hell)

"Wait a second," an audience member, "were we clapping for the devil to steal the souls of kids?"

A murmur of confusion spread around the audience.

"Well it's not our problem any more." said another audience member.

A murmur of agreement went around the audience and they began to file out of the viewing seats.

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