Pt9 : Reincarnation

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The Elevator appeared at the surface.

The door slid open and the cups all tumbled out laughing their heads off.

"And then that other demon Tripped over and landed face flat on the floor, HA HA HA!" Cuphead yelled

Everyone burst out into laughter.

"I'm glad you're all safe," Eldar kettle said ,"I don't know what I would do without you boys, and I'm glad we could save Chalice too, you seem nice."

"Thanks!" Chalice said in reply, "but what are we gonna do about, being ghosts."

The cups all through for a few seconds before Mugamn had an idea

"I've got it!" he Exclaimed ,"We can go and see Quadratus, he'll know what to do."

"Great idea Mugsy!" Cuphead exclaimed "but where is he? Where are we?"

The Hellevator had dumped the cups into the middle of the woods with no bearing of where they were.

"We are exactly 8 miles east of Inkwell city." Kettle announced ,"the cove of Quadratus should just be a few miles north west."

All the ghostly cups looked at Eldar Kettle in astonishment.

"I've mapped every inch of this island in my mind," kettle said ,"i must know the lay of the land incase of invasion."

Kettle narrowed his eyes suspiciously and looked from side to side as if expecting invasion at any moment.

"Ooooookaaaayyy," Chalice said ,"sooooo, let's go!"


The group trekked through the woods. Actually Eldar Kettle was the only one who was trekking, the others all floated along effortlessly.

After an hour of searching, the dense forest finally opened up into a clearing with a stone circle in the middle. Quadratus'es clearing was as eerie as ever, the only light coming from the glowing water as the trees blocked all the sun.

"How will we summon him?" Cuphead asked his brother ,"we need a fizzy jawbreaker don't we?"

Mugman floated over to the pool of water and picked up a Jawbreaker that was nestled between the rocks and the grass

"I always keep one spare," Mugman explained ,"it's always good to plan ahead."

Mugman tossed the slightly manky gobstopper into the pool and the water began to fizz and froth.

"Ugh oh my god what was in that jawbreaker!" Quadratus spluttered

"Sorry," Muygman apologise ,"it's been sitting here for a while."

"If you want me to help you then you shouldn't be feeding me soil... -er"

"Er?" Cuphead questioned.

"I've made a resolution that i must rhyme

But you're disgusting sweet caught me off guard that time."

"I'll make sure to clean it next time, but trite now we need your help. We..."

"I believe nothing more needs to be said

It is rather clear that you three are dead."

"Um yea," Chalice replied ,"would there be a way that you could make us like, not dead"

"Fear not young cups, i'll do as you've asked

For I have taken Pottery class."

Suddenly the water erupted with various pottery tools and machines. Pottery wheels spun rapidly while watery tentacles melded lumps of slay on their surfaces. Carving tools and pieces of clay flew about so fast the cups couldn't see what was happening.

As they watched in awe they could see their various body parts start to take shape. Their heads began to be formed on spinning pottery wheels, their arms were moulded into shape by watery limbs and thin sheets of clay were rolled into clothes. Once all the pieces were put together a huge kiln appeared from the waters and the soft clay bodies were placed inside.

While the kiln was glowing red and roasting the clay, a furnace emerged from the water filled with molten gold. The gold was poured into a flat mould and dunked into the water sizzling loudly.

At that moment a loud ding came from the oven signalling that the new bodies were done. Quadratus opened the door, pulled them out and added the finishing touches like attaching Chalice's gold lining and lacing Cuphead's shoes, before presenting the finished bodies.

"Here i present you your new physical form

Though there are faults to which i must warn"

The cups all entered their new bodies and began to move around happily testing them out.

"Hey, mugsy!" Cuphead called "Cheers!"

Both Mugman and Cuphead tried to pull off their heads to "cheers' ' with their heads like they always had done but their heads seemed to be cemented to their bodies.

"Whai? Why can we decapitate ourselves?" Mugman asked

"When i made you another body

I did not make it quite as sturdy

You now are made of a softer clay

There simply was no other way"

"You hear that Cuphead! That means you have to be extra careful." Mugman cautioned.

"Eh, i ain't too worried about it," Cuphead replied ,"let's go home."

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