Pt10: Resolution

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The huge pile of stones where the huge cave once was began to jiggle and move. From the debris a furry ,dusty hand emerged and began to push more of the rubble out of the way.

The devil pulled himself out of the rubble and gasped for fresh air. He looked around and saw a crowd of demons all standing there just looking at him.

"Well come on!" he yelled ,"don't just stand there, HELP ME!"

The demons rushed forward and pulled the devil out of the rubble. He was completely grey from the dust and his fur was matted and ruffled out of shape.

"Where are those cups!" the devil yelled ,"did you let them get away?!"

"Well," one demon said ,"you also failed so i think it is understandable tha...

The devil turned around, reached back into the pile of rocks and pulled out his pitchfork. He then turned to face the demon and blasted the insolent scum into oblivion.

The devil brushed himself off and gritted his teeth.

"You all better be back doing work when i get back or you're all fired." the devil screamed ,"literally"

The devil slammed his pitchfork on the ground and disappeared in a puff of smoke.


The devil appeared in the cup's living room while they were all eating some mid day pancakes to celebrate reincarnation.

"YOUR SOUL IS MINE!!" the devil screamed gleefully reaching for Cuphead's chest to take his soul out. But as his hand drew near an arc of electricity jumped from the cup and electrocuted the devil.

The devil stood on the spot, panting and smoking for a few seconds. After he had caught his breath he turned to Mugman.

"Well never mind, at least YOUR SOUL IS MINE!!"

The devil reacted to take mugman's soul but was electrocuted again.

"What?!" he devil exclaimed ,"that's not how this work"

The devil turned and tried Chalice who was sitting on a chair with a smug grin knowing what was about to happen.


"Grrrrrr," the devil growled after being shocked once again, "HOW ARE YOU ALL WEARING THE SAME STUPID SWEATER!"

The devil reached to take Eldar Kettles soul but was electrocuted again


The devil stormed out of the door kicking over the cote hanger as he went because he's just that kind of guy.

The cups all turned to see him stomping walking down the path, kicking stones really hard, as if that did anything except hurt his feet. As he was walking he caught sight of the goat from the front yard.

"HA!" the devil yelled, his voice muffled through the window ,"i bet you didn,t protect your little goat friend did you? You better say goodbye!"

The devil reached out to take the goat's soul but he was zapped again.


With that final tantrum the devil slammed his pitchfork on the ground and disappeared.

"That really was a stroke of Genius Chalice," Cuphead complimented ," cutting up the sweater into pieces so that we can all wear it. Brilliant!"

"Welp, it's best to play by your own terms," Chalice replied ,"these little sweater bracelets made from the sleeves should keep us safe and not always so hot"

"Well" Eldar Kettle said with an air of finality ,"looks like we've bested the devil at his own game, and if that scoundrel ever tries a stunt like this again. We're ready!"

Eldar kettle held up his palm and all the cups got up and dis a four way high five in the middle, smiling with glee as they were finally free of the devil


The next morning the Cups both woke up happy as ever. Jaunty jazz was playing on the radio, the smell of breakfast was in the air and the devil seemed to be well and truly bested.

The cups leapt down the stairs and entered the kitchen.

"Hi Eldar Kettle ," they both chimed, "what's for breakfast

"Hi again boys," he replied, "what are you doing over there, you should be eating your pancakes, i put them right in front of you?"

The cups looked at each other in confusion and then turned to look at the dining table. On the cup's two chairs were to ashen versions of themselves. It was the soulless bodies from which the devil took their souls from.

"Well that's unnerving," Mugman said ,"Eldar Kettle, how did you think these were us!"

"Wait what?!" Eldar kettle said, turning around ,"oh, i thought you looked malnourished, that's why i gave you extra pancakes."

The cups turned and their eyes bugged out when they saw that there were two huge piles of Pancakes in front of their soulless husks.

"Well me," Cuphead said, putting his arm around himself, " All's well, that ends well, now let's eat some pancakes eh' !"

And with that, the screen did an "iris out", focussing on the face of Cuphead and his doppelganger and then fading to black.

( For those who don't know this is connected to a much longer set of Cuphead episodes which you can find on my profile. This is actually twice as long as the original chapter and I think, much better. I hope you enjoyed this Episode, bye!)

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