Pt7 : Forgiveness

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Mugman looked up and saw an open cavern above him. The top of his glass had been melted off leaving a gaping hole in the top of the glass. As he stared at the hole his form slowly began to grow until he was the size of his regular self.

Mugman floated tentatively up from the jar and saw the hole blasted through all the cubes.

Mugman zipped out of the box and saw Eldar Kettle fighting the devil, if that's what you would call it

"Mugman?!" both of them yelled

"Kettle! Mugman yelled back

"Get your brother and Chalice!" he yelled "i'll keep the devil busy"

"No you won't!" the devil screamed.

He fired a shot of fire at Mugman and began to try and sprint towards the boxes. However, Kettle reached out and grabbed the devil's pitchfork.

He tried to yank it out of the devil's grip but the demon held on tight. As a somewhat automated response The devil began to rapidly shoot fireballs out the pitchfork sending hundreds flying up into the air and blasting the ceiling which began to rain dust and debris. The two wrestled over the pitchfork, trying to point the volatile tip at each other and jerk it out their grasp.

Mugman slipped into the box that was neighbouring his and zipped in to see c

Chalice with a distressed expression on her face, trying to unscrew the jar lid from the inside to no avail.

"Chalice!" Mugman yelled

"Mugman!" she yelled back, both of them relieved beyond belief, "you came back for me!"

"I don't care if i'm a useless Stickler who can't keep anyone safe," Mugman said determined, "your my friend and i won't leave you behind."

Mugman flew over and began to try and unscrew the lid but it was stuck on tightly.

"Eldar Kettle!" he yelled, darting back out of the box ,"I can't open the jar! It's in this stone box!"

Kettle grunted and pulled his machete out of its sheath. He held it in his hand lightly and then pulled back his arm for a throw.

He flung the knife through the air, spinning it like a boomerang. At first the weapon flew straight but the directing began to tilt, curving the pseudo sword in an arc of 180*.

The machete looped round and flew cleanly through the hole in the side of the stone box, slicing the top of the jar off

Mugman floated back in to see chalice trying to yank the machete out of the wall it had lodged itsel into.

"We've gotta save Cuphead now!" she yelled ,"I hear crumbling rock and that's never good when you're underground."

Mugman floated into the final cube and saw only rubble. The pedestal that all the other jars had been on was snapped in half leaving a rough surface on the top.

"Cuphead," he shouted desperately ,"please Cuphead, you have to be ok."

"Go away," mumbled a muffled voice from the rubble.

Mugman quickly turned to where the voice was coming from. He rushed over and began to clear rubble with his ghostly hands. Beneath a pile of dust and debris he saw the glowing blue light and smooth glass of Cuphead's container

"CUPHEAD!" Mugman screamed joyously ,"get ready, chalice is gonna break you out."

"No." cuphead replied weekly ,"I deserve this. If i wasn't such an arrogant fool we would all be so much better. You and Chalice would have never died, we wouldn't have had to spend a month running from eternal damnation. If I just stay down here I can't hurt anyone else and I won't always have to be the one who's to blame.

If you take me back I'll just end up pulling you back down like the burden I am. So do both of us a favour and just say you couldn't find me."

"Don't listen to the devil cuphead," Mugman said ,'' he spoke to all of us, and in a way he is still speaking to us. But you know what he's like Cuphead. He's just here to damage you. I'm saving you cuphead, whether you like it or not because you are my brother and I love you.

And you love me too, and that's enough. Granted you mess up a lot but that's ok. Let's go and fix it."

"Coming through!" Chalice yelled.

Chalice's ghost floated around the corner of her box holding Kettle's machete in both hands,clearly struggling with the weight. She slowly bobbed over to Cuphead's jar lifting up the knife/sword and then brought it down on the glass.

The jar exploded into shards and Mugman immediately rushed in to hug his brother.

"I-I'm sorry Mugsy," Cuphead wept ,"I didn't mean to."

"I know," Mugman replied.

Suddenly Chalice Pounced on top of both of them, joining the hug,

"Come here ding dongs," she said ,"you ain't Hugging without me."

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