~ perfect ~

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this is my first fanfic short story so pls don't judge it too much <3

walker scobell as: your school crush

you as: y/n


"Mom I told you, the field trip is tomorrow" I whined at my mom for forgetting

"Okay sure sweetheart, get your bag packed for tomorrow" my mom replied

I slowly stomped upstairs in a bad mood, im so tired after today.

'Ding' my phone pinged inside my pocket, I pulled it out to check who it was "Walker scobell"

I sighed and smiled to myself, all of a sudden feeling in a much better mood.

I liked walker a lot, the way his hair perfectly sits around his ears and his cute smile-

"y/n!" my older brother called as he walked into the upstairs hallway, I dashed into my room immediately hiding my blushing face. I threw my backpack onto the floor and picked up my phone again to respond to walkers message, 'hey y/n! are you going on the field trip tomorrow?'

I smiled again at the simple question and replied.

Walker Scobell 💙

hey y/n! are you going on the field trip tomorrow?

yeah I am I guess I'll see you there right :)


yeah of course see you then 😊

I threw my phone like the simp I am, "ahh" I squealed "he's too cute" I clicked onto his profile picture..

I threw my phone like the simp I am, "ahh" I squealed "he's too cute" I clicked onto his profile picture

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'God I'm obsessed with you walker..'

I distracted myself and packed my bag and chose my outfit for tomorrow

~ the next day ~

'trilililill trilililillllll' my alarm went off at 6:00 am, giving me just enough time to get ready for the field trip today. my hand frantically tapped my phone to find the 'off' button. "oh my gosh- fine"

I picked up my phone and turned it off like that, "huh" another message from walker appeared on my phone. 'that's weird he hardly texts me and now two days in a row.. hmm' I thought to myself, but nonetheless I was pleased and walker texting me just means I get an excuse to talk to him out of school.

I opened his message,

Walker Scobell 💙

looking forward to seeing you today y/n <3

what do you mean.. WALKER SCOBELL sent ME a heart? I pulled my blanket over my face and my scream was muffled underneath it. all of a sudden HES showing interest in me... god I hope I haven't been to obvious staring at him in the school hallways.

Walker Scobell 💙

looking forward to seeing you today y/n <3

me too! It's gonna be a fun day <3

i replied back with a heart too. Why is he suddenly interested in me? maybe it's nothing. I convinced myself and finally got out of bed and put my clothes on.

Whilst brushing my teeth... he was all I could think about. I mean, that was the usual morning thoughts but today was different. Anyway I continued with my morning routine until it was time to leave.

"bye shitheadddd!" My big brother Charlie annoyingly screeched as I walked out the door,

"bye charlie" I rolled my eyes and ran out to the bus with my water bottle in one hand and my bag slung loosely on the other shoulder.

I stepped into the bus and walked to the back where I usually sit.. but someone else was already here.



"Hi y/n!" He waved at me really fast and smiled so big that his eyes squinted closed, "hey i didn't know you sat back here" I said dumbly.

"Oh, uh yeah I thought I would just try out a new seat" he smiled big again to fill the short silence. "Okay sure!" I smiled back, then got a little shy with walker gawking at me.

"Take a seat!" He blurted out noticing me feeling awkward, and tapped the seat next to him. I sat down awkwardly next to walker trying not to make eye contact.

a few minutes passed and I heard walker laughing quietly beside me. it panicked me at first but then he tapped my shoulder, and held his phone closer to me, it was a funny puppy video. That I have to admit, was super cute!

"thats so cute!" I laughed a little and looked back at walker,

He was staring at me already, his round blue eyes blinking slowly gazing into mine.

I broke eye contact after a magical few seconds. "Your eyes are uh- really pretty" I complimented him.

"thank you y/n." I could tell he really appreciated it by his tone. I flashed a smile, "of course." I thought about it then took a deep breath "walker?"


"Why are you suddenly talking to me today.. and yesterday, you texted me randomly?" I asked fidgeting with my hands, I just had to know.

"y/n... I- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be weird" walker said quickly turning his head and looking out of the bus window.

"oh walker, your not being weird. I just wondered why you seem to be suddenly interested in... me..? He didn't reply. Am I being too bold? I just want to know- "I- I like y-you."

"you what?!" I said a little too loudly and some kids nearer the front of the bus turned their heads. I heard walker shuffling in his seat."God, I like you y/n"

walker turned his body away from the window and faced me just as my jaw visibly dropped. His eyes darted around waiting for my response.

I threw my self into walker wrapping my arms around him tightly. "I like you too." I whispered. I breathed deeply, walkers hair smelt like coconuts. His dirty blonde curls just inches away from my forehead. "Thank you" he whispered back "your a great hugger huh"

This just made me hug him tighter. I wasn't going to let go of him, ive waited years for this moment. And it's just, perfect.

Thank you for reading !

please comment any suggestions <3

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