~ walker takes you to set ~

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this short story has nothing to do with any of the other parts. That goes for the other parts too <3
They're all there own little story !
~ walker takes you on set filming Percy Jackson ~

"walkkkkk, are we gonna be there soon?" I asked impatiently waiting for our arrival.
"Nearly, quit asking or I'm gonna have to sew your mouth shut!" He leaned closer to me and playfully gestured zipping my mouth closed, "mmH, mm Mmh" I blabbered, playing along.
"Nearly there kiddos!" Walkers dad shouted to the backseats, "k dad!"

We arrived at set, it was cool to see where my boyfriend was working at. "So here's where you've been huh" i ruffled my hand through his hair as we walked towards the main building, "yeah pretty much, i miss you a lot though.." walker said staring at me with puppy eyes, "I miss you a lot too honey" I said honestly and gave walk a little kiss on the cheek.

Once we were inside he showed me a few things, "this was probably the hardest thing that I had to do, and that over there, and this was really cool but I had to hold my breath for a longgg time, y/n it was so cool! I wish you could have seen it!" Listening to him ramble on about filming was so adorable, he pulled me along by holding my hand, showing me everywhere and everything. I would gladly follow him around all day if it meant I could spend time with walker.

"WALKER!" Walker and I both turned around.
"Aryan?" He shouted, "Hey!" Aryan ran over to us, out of breath. "Whos this?" He tilted his head looking at me.
"y/n, my girlfriend" walker put his arm over my shoulder protectively.
"OH YOUR GIRLFRIEND, right this is her, nice to meet you y/n. I'm Aryan"
"Nice to meet you" i smiled briefly
"So y/n, now you've met Aryan, he plays Grover." Walker explained
"Woahh cool! Grover is my favourite character actually" I said shyly looking at my shoes. Aryan nodded proudly,
"mm I see" 
"oh right. Why am I here today?"
"Aryan get filming dude." Walker patted aryans shoulder. "Okay I'm out, bye walk, bye y/n it was nice to meet you I gotta get filming" he pointed his thumb to something behind him, "bye Aryan!" I yelled as he skipped away

"Come on" Walker grabbed my hand again and took me to a little corner with some chairs and a pop up table.
He pulled some uno cards out of his bag and place them gently on the table, "wanna play?"
"For sure." I pulled out a chair and took a seat whilst walk shared out the cards.

I watched him cutely put out the cards, his eyes squinting with focus.
He looked up for just a second.. "why are you looking at me like that"
"Like what? Am I not allowed to look at my boyfriend now huh?" I smirked
"No it's fine I guess" he smiled "anyway ready to play?"
"Of course baby!"


"Pick up four." I said evilly, giggling behind my cards
"Pick up.... eight" walker smirked
"Nah ah! Go on pick up eight, the rules are the rules baby girl" he raised one eyebrow feeling proud of himself
"Walker Scobell, you are so sassy."
"Ah shut up y/n! says youuuu!" He rolled his eyes


sorry this is really short and the storyline is a bit crappy. If you want a part 2 to this then lmk !
thank you for reading <3
put suggestions in the comments
Thank uuuuu!

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