~ y/ns ED ~

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TW ! eating disorder
i'm sorry if this in inaccurate
this was an idea from somebody who has experienced something similar so i'm writing this for them <3
i also struggled with eating in 2023 and its a hard thing. sending my love always ! 🫶🏻
i'll be going back to my regular fluff stories after this <3


i woke up at around 6:30 like i normally do for school. i made my bed, showered, and got dressed before heading downstairs to leave the house.
'want some breakfast honey?' my mom stood in the kitchen cooking herself some eggs, flipping them gently in the pan.
'no thanks i'm not hungry'
i gulped

'oh okay, are you sure?'
my mom asked gesturing the pan to me.
'your always skipping breakfast'
she looked at me slightly worried but seemed to brush it off.

'yeah i'm fine, thank you though, bye!'
i quickly ran outside to avoid her asking further questions and to get on the bus even though it wasn't quite here yet.
i pulled out my phone and turned off
'do not disturb' to check my messages,
walkers name appeared in my notifications and i smiled briefly

walkie 🌷

goodmorning :)

morninggg <3

i miss you 😠

same bby

gotta see 🫵 soon

okay if you stop using that emoji 🫵🫵


walker makes me feel so happy, i would never tell him i haven't been eating properly. i cant burden him with that, i cant burden anyone with that..

i slipped my phone back in my pocket as the bus arrived.
i stumbled to my seat whilst the bus stared moving and i sat down quickly.
i felt nauseous again, i just dismissed the feeling and looked out of the bus window at all the passing houses.

soon enough i arrived at school, everyone hurried out of the bus.
i came out last because i still felt sick, if someone knocked into me i might just throw up.
i walked into school with the same plain look in my eyes, i haven't been my self lately.
my friends are worried about me, im worried about me.
'y/n!' my friend walked over to me slinging her arm around my shoulder as she walked beside me to our class together.
'hi Mackenzie'
i rested my head on her shoulder instantly
'you sleepy today?'

'mhm very sleepy'
i lied. i was hungry and felt sick but i couldn't risk telling her anything.
'okay sleepy head' she layed her head on top of mine for a second her smooth black hair falling infront of my face 'i cant see Kenzie' i managed a laugh.
'whatever, we're here vroom'
she steered me into the classroom


after a few lessons i was really hungry now. i'm used to not eating like this i don't know why i'm extra hungry today.

'lunch time' Mackenzie was suddenly in my science classroom and scared me pulling me out of my thoughts and my seat. 'oh yeah' i shook my head clearing my mind.

'you've been up in the clouds you know lately

shit shit shit
i stayed silent expecting her to say something else,
'theres not something going on with you and walker is it?' she stopped walking and looked at me worried.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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