~ sleepover with walker ~

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Walker comes over for a sleepover at your house!
Please enjoy <3

I pulled out my phone to text walker and ask him what time he'll be here,

                       sass queen 🙄

             walk what time will you be here today?

Mm 5:30 ok?

that's fine, see you then pookie 🙈


                                               f you scobell 🙄
F you more 😋


I cleaned my room whilst waiting and got some cozy blankets out for walker, that I folded and left on my bed.
I filled a little basket with snacks for us to eat throughout the night. Earlier this week I went to the store and found some adorable matching mugs for us, one was white with a heart and the other black with the same red heart. I'm really exited to show these to walker, he'll love them.

I waited downstairs on the couch, scrolling on TikTok waiting for walker to get here.
"Waiting for walker honey?" My mom asked sticking her head into the living room,
"Yeah, he should be here any minute" just then he knocked at the door.

"Walker!" I opened the door and flung myself onto him, forcing him to drop his stuff on the floor. "y/n! Hiii!"
He hugged me back after finding his footing, "hi walker, come in" my mom said holding the door open as it started to close, I let go of the hug and picked up walkers bag for him.
"Hi mrs yl/n" (your last name) walker said greeting my mom with a smile and head tilt
"Let's take your stuff upstairs" I said to walker taking a few steps up the stairs, "okay coming!"
He picked up his bag and followed me up to my room. "Woah y/n have you changed some things in here?" He asked curiously, picking up a few things on top of my dresser "a little yeah baby" I laughed at his observation
"Baby? Since when are you using that?" Walker questioned jokingly, but it kind of took me aback,

"I guess I just said it without thinking, it sounds stupid anyway" I shrugged, "no, I like it!" He turned and smiled at me, still playing with random things on my dresser, "cutie" I murmured but somehow he heard me
"Mm?" He said then startled me by hugging me from behind and wrapping his arms around my waist.
"U-uh nothing walk" I barely spat out blushing,

"Sure sure" He smirked then let go of me after a little while and went back to check out more decorations in my bedroom.
Once walker had turned around I checked if my face was hot with the back of my hands,
and gee it was.


"y/nnnn, can we watch a movie?" Walker rolled from his front onto his back then pulled me down with him to cuddle on my bed. "Sure I'll put something on, anything in mind?" I could just about reach the tv remote whilst laying down so I sat up a little with walker clinging onto me, "deadpool." Walker suggested looking up at me with his head in my lap.
"Deadpool, again?" I raised my eyebrows,
"yes 'again' y/n, respect the deadpool fandom." He rolled his eyes sassily
"Stop with that sass dude!" I said and flicked his forehead jokingly,
Walker whined "Ow! Bro why'd you do that!"
"Sorry walkie talkie, want me to kiss it better?" I pouted and made a fool of him, then leaned over him jokingly, just an inch away from his face.
suddenly there was tension between us,
Walker looked into my eyes for a few seconds, "gonna kiss it better?" he pulled my face down onto his and kissed me. so sudden and so intensely. The kiss broke after about ten seconds, "sorry" walker whispered.
"no it's alright" I whispered back "your a good kisser" , he laughed quietly then we both sat back up like nothing ever happened into the position we was in before, I played with walker curls whilst I typed in deadpool on the tv.

"your really gonna put it on?" he said surprised,
"if you want to watch it then yeah" i curled walkers hair around my finger repetitively.
"okay sure lets watch it!" walker clapped once excitedly
"WAIT" i shouted making walk flinch a little, i remembered the snacks i had prepared and the matching mugs, "get off a sec walk' i'm gonna grab something!" walker lifted his head from my lap and let go of my hand "don't be too longggg" he groaned

i pulled out the little basket of snacks and hid the mugs behind my back, "close your eyes"
walker quickly covered his eyes with his hands.
i sat on my bed and handed him the mug
"MUG! matching mugs? you got us matching mugs y/n?" walker blabbered
"yes, they're cute right i knew you would like it!"
i smiled and walker gave me a little kiss
"thank you y/n, your so thoughtful"
"don't mention it"

walker sat against the headboard of my bed, i shuffled back and snuggled into him "i'm gonna start the film now, you ready?"


we watched the film the full way through, walker and i have watched it together many times before when hanging out. walker loves it so i dont mind watching it if it makes him happy!

part 2 will be up soon!

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