~ aquarium date ~

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Aquarium date with walkie talkie !
this wasn't requested but i really wanted to do this 🙏  it's a cringe one u have been warned
some requests from you guys will be in the next few parts !
i didnt edit this so sorry if any mistakes

Walkers picking me up this morning for a surprise date he's been planning, I'm exited to find out where he's taking me, We haven't seen each other in about a month now, he's been so busy filming Percy Jackson. It's sad I don't get to see him all that often, but when I do he always makes it special.
I knew he would be arriving soon so I got my stuff together and shoved everything into my purse. '11:45' my phone read. He'll be here any minute!

'knock knock'
"Walker!" I ran to my door and hurriedly opened it, "baby!"
He swept me up into his arms and hugged me so tightly, spinning me around and kissing my head over and over.
"God I missed you so much" he whispered with his face pushed against my hair.
Once letting go of the hug he handed out a bunch of flowers, tulips to be specific, my favourites. "For you" he smiled proudly.

"Oh walker!" I squealed, "thank you, these are my favourites"
"I know" he kissed my forehead once more "now go put them in some water, then we'll leave"

"Ok!" I ran back inside and quickly filled a vase with some water, 'splish'
I spread the flowers out prettily and sniffed one quickly before leaving "mm! So sweet"

"Time?" I skidded out of the door locking it behind me.

"20 seconds? Record breaker y/n!" Walker pretended to put a medal over my neck so I played along and ducked my head for the imaginary medal.
"Lets go" walker took my hand and I hopped along slightly behind him.

"sooo how are we gonna get there?" I suddenly questioned

"It's walking distance"

"Is this a normal person walking distance or a Walker Scobell walking distance?" I raised an eyebrow

"Uh it's not far.."


"Okay it's like 25 minutes."

"Should have guessed" I laughed playfully.
"Hey! I'm taking you out so just enjoy it"

And I did. The weather was nice and springy, flowers bloomed on every grass patch and blossom leaves drifted through the air. Walked twirled me around by my hand, I spun just like the petals in the air, my long white skirt flowing with the breeze.
City buildings towered around us but the air was fresh and the scent of freshly picked flowers and drying laundry wafted around.

"walker i have no idea where we're going you know that right?"

"that's the point" he stuck his tongue out at me

after walking for another 5 minutes in a comfortable silence walker announced "close your eyes now!"

"close my eyes?"

"yeah don't worry i'll guide you"
walker gripped my hand tighter and with his spare hand put around my shoulder to steer me.
"walker are you sure im safe?"

"stop being paranoid, i've got you, now shut up and keep walking straight"


a while later we stopped all of a sudden. i could hear little kids playing and multiple conversations around me, "hey are we there?" i jumped excitedly
"mhm, you readyyy?"


i took my hands from my eyes and in front of me i saw the new aquarium that opened just a few weeks ago, i had been dying to go but never had a chance, "WALKER" i looked at the bright sign and then back at walker over and over.
"are you happy or.."

"THANK YOU SO MUCH!" i clinged onto walker embracing him in a warm hug and kissing his cheek, "wanna go in?"

me and walker walked into the aquarium entry
"come right through" a worker told us, so we walked through the automatic gate.
"look y/n, starfish petting zoo" walker laughed at pointed to shallow water with coral, starfish and other little beach creatures. a sign read
'be gentle'
i guess this was intended for little kids but i still wanted to touch a starfish, who doesn't?
i washed my hands at the sink beside it,
"walker i'm gonna touch it"
"wait lemme see!"
i stroked the starfish gently, "he's so cute!!"
"he is aww"
me and walker touched a few sea creatures chilling in the touch pool before carrying on through the aquarium.

i looked at a large floor to ceiling tank with colourful fish inside, "walker find nemo"
"wait is there one in here?" he stepped around the glass cylinder scanning every inch of it for a clownfish whilst i laughed at how concerned he was.
"y/n i cant find one" he frowned pathetically
"it's ok i'm sure there will be one somewhere" i swallowed my laugh and just patted him on the back.

we headed towards the deep sea creatures section, "it's getting darker in here"
"yeah look deep sea section!" i pointed at the bold sign surprised walker had missed it.
"oh righttt"
as we walked through the dark tunnel walker suddenly gripped my hand, "are you seriously scared" i stared at walker
"silly boy" i teased but squeezed his hand back.


"y/n!" walker had run a little ahead "it's you"
i expected to see a cute fish. but instead, walker was pointing and laughing at a blob fish
"WALKERRR" i smacked his arm pretty hard
"joking joking calm down" walker pleaded.

"if that's me, then this must be you" i found another ugly looking fish in the water and smiled smugly,
"that is definitely not me" walker rolled his eyes

we laughed for a bit before moving on.

part 2 of this will be up soon maybe tomorrow!

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