Chapter 1: Can I be a Hero Too?

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Excitement bubbled in M/N's voice as he exclaimed, "Zuku! Look," catching Midoriya off guard.

Perplexed, Midoriya inquired, "What is it?" M/N, brimming with anticipation, tugged Midoriya toward a scene unfolding before them - a clash between heroes and villains.

"C'mon Zuku, let's get a-" M/N paused, realizing Midoriya had vanished. Searching the crowd, he spotted his friend at the front, fixated on the battle.

"This guy must be pretty desperate to go full monster in the middle of the city"

"You know what happened?"

"Just some amateur, stole someones bag and got himself cornered"

"With a quirk like that his just a petty thief"

"I got held up, trains out, another villain, I'm not sure on when I'm gonna make it into the office"

"*Squeal* Kumui Woods!!"

Following Midoriya, M/N arrived just in time to witness Kamui Woods facing off against a colossal villain.

"Get away from me or i'll break your little back!!" The villain yelled with anger.

"Kumui Woods! He may be new but he's making a big name for himself!" Midoriya said with noticable excitement.

"When I look at that dopey grin I know what you are.....A fan boy"

"Uh, sorta" Midoriya says with a blush on his face.

The crowd watching anxiously. Kamui Woods sternly declared, "Assault, robbery, and illegal use of powers during rush hour traffic, you are the incarnation of evil"

As Kamui Woods prepared his special move, "Lacquered Chain Prison!"

'There his special move!"

"Come on tree man show us something flashy"

But before his power move could reach the villain.

"Canyon Cannon!"

A giant lady suddenly showed up.

"Piece of cake for the next hottest hero" said the lady "Hi there I'm Mt.Lady"

Introducing herself as Mt. Lady, she declared today as her debut.

While she was introducing herself loads of cameras were flashing right at here

'Perverts' M/N says while looking away.

While the spotlight was on Mt. Lady, on the top of the building, poor Kumui Woods could be seen frozen and saying "Wait, she's getting all the credit"

During all of this, Midoriya had been rapidly taking down notes about all that had happened, capturing the essence of heroism and quirks clashing in his notebook.

A sudden inquiry interrupted Midoriya's thoughts as a man asked, "Whats that boy, taking notes over there, wanna be a hero too?" He chuckled, adding, "Well, if you are, I wish you the best of luck." Midoriya responded with a determined smile, expressing gratitude, "Thank you, I'll give it my all."

Meanwhile, a sense of urgency echoed in M/N's voice as he called out, "Zuku, hurry up! We're running late for school." Midoriya quickly acknowledged the urgency and started to head to school, his mind still buzzing about he had just witnessed.

As they hurried through the bustling streets, M/N couldn't help but comment, "That was incredible, Zuku! Imagine having quirks like those heroes."

Midoriya, always deep in thought, responded, "Yeah, it's amazing. I wonder if I can become a hero too."

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